Dance for Amateur Night at a Strip Club
Many strip clubs have "amateur nights" where everyday girls compete by removing their clothes on stage like professional strippers. These have payoffs in the $250-500 range for winners but also have smaller cash prizes for second and third runners-up. Some clubs require competing in order to get a job as a stripper.
- Decide whether you want to do it. You will be nude in front of a room full of people.
- Determine who will go with you. Women often perform these competitions with friends, and male and female friends are often excited and will want to be there to watch.
- Pick a stage name. Anything but your real name. Use commonsense. It's fun to think up and it is also for safety purposes.
- Decide what you will wear. Choose clothing you can take off with ease. Clothes with elasticity, snaps, and ties are easiest to slip off, while buttons and zippers are more cumbersome. Refrain from applying lotions, glitter, etc.. that can come off on stage or on the poles. Wear non-slip heels.
- Consider sheer panties and bra. They give a show before your remove them. Think of visual teasing with the clothing you pick -- coordinated works best -- not mismatched duds.
- Plan your dance and practice. Decide what body part(s) are your greatest asset and focus on using it -- trust your friends to help you decide -- a great butt or set of boobs need to be "worked" so the crowd appreciates the look.
- Practice in a private area, such as a bathroom or a bedroom, at least a few times. Get your planned routine down. One method may be to remove your skirt, followed by your shirt, then the bra and the panties or thong. Or you may remove your shirt and bra and then later your skirt and underwear. Your routine should be one you are comfortable with and will likely help you win.
- Be sure to have a valid ID on you when arriving to the club. Get there at least a couple of hours early in order to get comfortable and sign up. There will be a form and/or a legal release to sign.
- Stay in the loop with the DJ. You will likely be called up to the DJ booth several times to ensure that you know what is going on. The DJ will usually ask what type of music you want to dance to (genre, band, specific songs).
- Get ready for your moment. The DJ will call all of the amateurs up. Go up when it is your turn.
- Wait for your turn. The announcer will call you up and will likely ask you dirty questions or read answers to the questionnaire you filled out. Don't get offended. Being in a state of offense makes it harder to work. It is nothing personal to begin with. Begin removing your clothes according to your plan.
- Pick a person to focus on during your dance -- it is super sexy.
- Don't look bored -- always keep a bright natural smile and enjoy yourself.
- Time your strip so you are just about naked about 45 seconds before the end then remove it and pose several ways as the end comes. Avoid getting all clothes off too early -- the thrill is in the tease.
- Finish gracefully. When your time is up, pick up your stage tips (smile and say "Thank you!"), slip your clothes back on, and return to your seat. Wait for the winner(s) to be announced.
- You may want to go and see other girls do amateur night before performing it yourself.
- Follow all rules as described by club staff.
- Always make eye contact with your audience. When stripping, it is easier to look away and disassociate from what you're doing, but if you want to win or just make more money as a dancer...Eye contact is sexy and you will get more tips when you make eye contact with men.
- Be sure to have a secure exit strategy. Guys will want to pick you up. Have a couple of friends there to help escort you to your ride away from the club. The club should provide security for all the women, but having your own is a safety net just in case.
- These competitions are typically held late at night, often a couple of hours later than scheduled. Be prepared to stay very late.
- Watch your drinking & drinks -- best to have water only before and wait until the 'work' (dancing) is done before you drink. If you need a drink to loosen up this may not be the activity for you. Also have friends and you, yourself, WATCH an open drink. Someone may slip a date rape drug into it. BEST to drink from a bottle -- like a Perrier or other capped bottled water. Beer in bottle works too. But an open glass cocktail invites trouble.
- Smile a lot. Looking cute will help you win the contest.
- Keep it simple, not a whole costume change just the skimpy things -- it will draw interest from the crowd.
- The winner is sometimes determined by audience response such as applauding.
- A set number of contestants, usually at least 3, must sign up by a certain time in order for there to be an amateur night.
- Many clubs have the sexiest TIE, so there is a runoff. Consider changing your undergarments for the second round. Change color from darker, perhaps to RED.
- Act like you are disappointed or reluctant when your time on stage is up. You may want to delay putting your clothes back on for as long as possible. For example, smile and make small talk with the announcer or DJ.
- Most strip clubs forbid bringing cameras. However, because of small camera phones, it is possible that someone will take pictures during amateur night.
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