Deal with a Mean Coach

Is your coach not nice to you? Are they more like a jerk? No worries! With these tips, you will be able to deal with him or her.


  1. Never talk back or disrespect your coach. That will give him or her a reason to be mean to you.
  2. Obey your coach. Do whatever they ask. Running a few extra laps or staying after to help pick up the equipment is a small price to pay for a happy coach.
  3. Develop good skills. Be early, or right on time to each practice and game. Offer to help with equipment. Greet your coach when you arrive. It may seem a little awkward at first, but you'll both soon grow used to it. It will improve the coach's mood as well.
  4. Think before you act. This means that if your coach is mean to you for no reason, someone else can back you up as you tell your coach that what he or she is doing is wrong.
  5. Bring the problem up in an email or phone call. Be as polite as possible.
  6. Try hard to practice the skills the coach is teaching, so that the coach can't say you're slacking.
  7. Always follow directions and listen intently when the coach is talking. This shows the coach that you are serious and eager to learn.
  8. Work your hardest and best. When the coach sees you, he/she won't have a reason to be angry at you. In fact, he/she might even be proud of you.
  9. If the problem is serious, talk to your parents, and they can have a meeting with the coach and the principal. Understand that it isn't okay for your coach to belittle you, humiliate you, call you names, or get in your face and yell at you to try to intimidate you. People like that have no business coaching kids, and you need to tell your parents or teachers about this right away!


  • Keep strong eye contact at all times; it reminds the coach that you are serious about your game.
  • Listen to him. As much as you want to speak up for yourself, try to be respectful.
  • Never kiss up to your coach - this will make you not liked by your team and you will look like a suck-up.
  • Ignore anything he does to try to hurt you!
  • Remember that no coach is a permanent coach!


  • Don't talk back. This will more than likely infuriate your coach, and it's very impolite.
  • Don't get angry at your coach. If you feel strongly annoyed, hold you anger in and breathe deeply. Instead, take your anger out whilst playing the game, but don't be too aggressive.

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