Decorate a Picture Frame with Dimensional Fabric Paint

Make beautiful decorated frames using dimensional paint. This is a great way to recycle old wood frames that are showing wear, or you can buy unfinished wood frames at the craft store for this project.


  1. Purchase an undecorated frame.
  2. Draw a design on the frame with fabric paint. Let this dry overnight.
  3. Paint the frame a solid color with ordinary acrylic craft paint. The paint will tend to pool against the raised design lines, so be sure to brush it out well. Let sit until dry to touch.
  4. Dry brush silver or gold paint over the solid color with a large paint brush. (This is optional, some designs look better in a solid color, others do well with an overlay.) To dry brush:

    • Dip a paintbrush into a small amount of the desired color paint, then wipe the brush back and forth on a paper towel until it looks like nothing is coming off.
    • When you run the brush over the frame, light streaks of color will appear. Keep repeating until you have the desired coverage.


  • Sometimes it helps to draw your design on the frame with pencil first.
  • Wood frames work best, as the paint adheres to them better than plastic or metal.

Things You'll Need

  • Plain wood picture frame
  • Dimensional fabric paint
  • Regular acrylic craft paint
  • Paintbrush(es)
File:Paint 848.jpg
Dimensional fabric paint

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