Defend Creationism Against Evolutionism
The complex debate over the issue of a logical worldview which accurately describes the world is not an issue of science versus religion. It is an issue of humanism versus God.
- Decide that there is the evidence of cause and effect in all events in the real world. An accident has a cause. Know the facts (and make sure they are truly facts), then sort the evidence to have order and decent representation of it all -- and so, research the topics for yourself! Don't assume or presume that science or evidence is necessarily true. Engarde (take the prescribed preparation for action)!
- Collaborate with others who share your beliefs to share information and gain a better understanding of the facts.
- Do not place both evolution and Christian creationism on a philosophical playing field. Creationism (even as accepted by Christians), although born from one's belief, is not a theory that is dependent on dogma or religion for it to be true. It is only dependent on facts that indicate that "a higher intelligence" created life as we know it today.
- Remember that evolution and [Christian] creationism are based on different philosophical mindsets. An evolutionist and a creationist both have the same facts, but they look at them from different perspectives. If your beliefs do not allow for both Creationism and evolution to be valid, then be prepared to state why both cannot be true by using facts that the other person can understand.
- Be prepared to research the multiple lines of evidence presented in favour of evolution (the Talk Origins archive is a good place to research evolutionist arguments). Also Be prepared to face other creationists incorrect assumptions that were to be generally found incorrect. Knowing what evidence may be used against you is important to effective debating.
- Produce evidence, that has been proven false, of evolution that is still being used to argue for evolution. Here are some facts which illustrate some of the erroneous claims of evolutionist researchers in the past:
- In 1917, a rancher/geologist found a tooth that seemed human-like, sent it in to a specialist and they decided that it could be a form of human ancestry. They named it Nebraska Man. Later, however, the same scientists, rejected the hypothesis when they realized it was a pig tooth that was similar to human teeth. Although this could be seen by evolutionists to still be evidence, through the similarity between pigs and humans.
- In 1912, Charles Dawson claimed to discover the first of two skulls in Sussex, England, that was believed to be a hominid. They named it Piltdown Man. He was supposed to be evidence of the 'missing link' in the the 'evolution of man from apes' line. Almost fifty years later, Dawson admitted it was a hoax, when the scientific community had almost entirely accepted the hypothesis of evolution.
- Make sure you know what you are talking about or your evidence can be used against you.
- Read up on the debate. Books I suggest are: The Ultimate Proof of Creation by Jason Lisle, The New Answers book series by Ken Ham, and Old-Earth Creationism on Trial: The Verdict is In by Tim Chaffrey and Jason Lisle. There are many very good, biblical, scientific and true books detailing the overwhelming proof of Biblical Creation, and I suggest that you look on the Answers in Genesis site as it has a lot of articles on every facet of the debate available for free.
- Remember that a creationist is not necessarily someone who does not believe in science, or someone who does not believe in changes in animals, it is someone who does not accept the theory of Evolution (that a higher intelligence was not necessary for the creation of life).
- Remember that molecules-to-man Evolution is historicalscience, attempting to explain past events (i.e., how the world came into being, how humans came into being). Historical science, however, cannot be tested through the scientific method (as opposed to observational science). However, observational science (such as modern geology) can be used to make inferences about past events--like how reading the rings of a tree can tell us about events that occurred in the tree's lifetime.
- For Christians, it is good to be open to new ideas; however, remember to always weigh ideas in light of God's Word.
- Be logical. Although difficult for some, do your best to remove all religious references (unless otherwise proving a factual point) when discussing this sensitive subject with another person. For instance, for the debates sake, "God" or "Jesus" have nothing to do with "A higher intelligence created life, rather than life evolving". This will ensure that you are on "logical ground" with another person that you are debating the subject with.
- Macroevolution including primordial-soup-to-living-organism has never been observed (not proven by observation); it cannot be observed, even if it were true due to the long amounts of time evolutionists say is required for it.
- Molecules-to-man evolution (macroevolution) is not the same thing as natural variation/selection. Natural selection can be observed in nature, as certain traits as "selected" within the species, size, color and such. For example, if brown mice can camouflage better (and thus avoid predators) than white mice, the brown mice will be more successful at reproducing, and pass their genes on to their offspring. However, if white fur becomes more advantageous (as in snowy climates), white mice will be more successful at reproducing, passing their genes on to their offspring and will survive better in such cases, but that does not involve any new species, but variation occurs.
- Molecules-to-man in the theory of evolution has not been observed. Either would have masses of information being gained (for example, think of nonliving molecules, or something less complicated becoming much more complicated). But variation - called natural variation/"selection" can be observed resulting in traits that are said to be "selected for" by evolutionists. Microevolution, natural variation, such as mutation, recombination, and gene transfer between species can (and do) occur in real time. (1) MICRO: an example of microevolution may occur when a mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare). Horses and donkeys are definitely different species, with different numbers of chromosomes and these animals can and do reproduce between those species, but they have a problem with reproducing. They can't. Mules and hinnies have 63 chromosomes, a mixture of the horse's 64 and the donkey's 62. But then,... (2) MACRO: macroevolution would be a continuation of that process, if mules could reproduce more mules and so forth -- but baby mules are not reproduced by mating of mules. There are no recorded cases of male mule (stallion) and a female mule (mare) reproducing. A few mare mules have produced offspring when mated with a purebred horse or donkey (jack) stallion. This is useful for creationists as an example of an improbability of macroevolution to go forward successfully. The results are "information being gained" but not passed on by the debatable "new species", in that example (see "gene transduction," "transfection," and "recombination").
- Do not disregard the fact that evolutionists will tell you that multitudes of small changes, (microevolution) can result in one big change, as in a different organism, (macroevolution). That is theory but not proven true.
- Natural Selection is not the same thing as Macro evolution.
- Micro evolution is often tied with natural selection. It is basically a theory describing the small changes exhibited among species. Examples of this would be different beak sizes among finches, bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and larger lungs in people who live in severely higher altitudes.
- Epigenetics is closely associated with micro evolution and basically describes how animal's and people's bodies adapt to the environment.
- Although this page uses the phrase Creationism, it should be noted that it refers to Christian Creationism as accepted by Genesis, as other religions have their own creation beliefs. Most Christians believe that God created the universe.
- Don't lose your patience or your temper! Stick to the facts, not the emotions.
- Be mindful to keep fallacy out of your argument
- Remember that, while many anti-religious activists use this issue as a wedge, many proponents of evolution are also Christians who may otherwise share your beliefs. Do not assume that every attack on Creationism is an attack on religion itself, anymore so than you would argue that science as a whole is invalid. Keep the debate to the facts and topic at hand.
- Never resort to name-calling or ferocious anger, as doing so only feeds the notion that you might not think calmly and rationally.
- Don't be harsh, argumentative, pushy, or condemning in your argument.
- Remember that debating in general about "moral related" issues (beginning of life, abortion, death penalty, etc.) is not for the faint of heart. It can be time consuming, tiresome and often lead to dead ends even after the discussion.
Related Articles
- Defend Evolutionism Against Creationism
- Constructively Discuss Science with a Creationist
- Avoid Uncomfortable Conversations About Religion
- Find a New Church
Sources and Citations
- Gregory, W.K. (1927). "Hesperopithecus apparently not an ape nor a man". Science 66: 579-81.
- Oakley, K.F.
- Mules do not reproduce together.