Defend a Belief in the Existence of God

""(Romans 1:20)

Are you a believer in the one true Creator God philosophically, but are having trouble affirming that the world and the universe came from God's will (and it was good) and that logically He exists? Don't forget to pray about the trouble you are having. God will help you along; God wants you to believe that He exists, and so He will hurry to meet you when you get near "home"... This is neither about intelligent design nor against the theories of evolution that are developed by observation of existing life, but it is indicating some reasons to believe (or call it faith) that God exists and that logically God did start life: see how it goes, read on. Logically life did not just come from nothing, but it is proposed that it came from God...


Could lifeless matter have created any or everything?

  1. Look for a reproductive living cell without a "mother cell" (preceding generation(s) of life) in seawater (or "primordial soup"). Would it be found? There was an ancient expanse of rocks and dust very much like the moon but add air and water, the planet Earth, and so look for life where it has no known cause, no genetic design and no so no plan.
    • Life is active (such as forming organelles inside a semipermeable membrane in plant or animal life, absorbing food and excreting waste, and creatively using energy, such as for reproducing, etc.). And one would expect an action to have a cause in physics or biology, or life that had a cause. Would you expect to see life without a genetic cause or plan? Is that probability a high expectation?
  2. Realize what creative ability that mathematical chance has. That is: "no creative ability", since it is a only some concepts of ratios; so probability has no power by adding more and more time. Probability is a number like: zero or infinitesimally small, versus a high probability, say 99.9% and everything between the extremes.
    • So, if there were no cells with cytoplasmic, reproductive life in previous billions (thousands of millions) of years, then what random chance is there of life to form by adding similarly thousands of millions of years -- without a cause, design or plan and so to form the reproductive living cell(s).
    • Even, recently dead cells that have every material thing, including genetics, needed for life except that once it is truly dead then the greatest of sciences can not bring it back to life; yet did "nature" take non-viable (non-living) materials and "at some fortunate moment" form life of, for and by nothing?
    • Thinking of creation by "chance"... If the universe were created by chance (without an intelligent creator), then what power did billions of years and chance have? Is that any increasing powers of creativity by sterile/lifeless time passing?
  3. Bet your life on a very low percent -- just bet that lifeless matter created everything -- really? Do you feel that lucky? So did "mother nature" get so lucky that she created life without a plan, without sterile lab conditions and with no pre-existing organic, reproductive form of life (from any previously existing life)?
  4. Examine the very idea of any theory; if there is a query/question for us -- say who/what created the capacity to theorize? Where is that coming from or going? Why is there a question in the first place: So, life causes the ability to have a potential for science... Just because intelligent life exists, then there could be a question/hypothesis about un-caused life appearing some day. But life causes theories... another billion years of non-living matter seems empty of life -- without a cause.
  5. Remember that life produces life: life comes from life. That is all we know: scientifically it has not been proven beyond a doubt how cells began. No, DNA and RNA couldn't make it very far with no cell in which to operate, no organelles, no nucleus, no food, no biological energy, no organization? Having no place or way for life to begin is as good as saying it could not reasonably happen...

Was there an explosion in or near a puddle?

  1. See the logic, "If the universe created itself, how did something come from nothing?" Even scientists say that the expanding universe is not eternal. It has not existed forever. There was a starting point and before that there was a chunk of matter? So if the universe wasn't there before, how did that chunk of matter come to be -- just "POOF" and it appeared by God's will?
  2. Poof! and "Oh, it was just there." makes no sense at all. While quantum fluctuations, or the creation of particles out of nowhere is a real thing, they are not likely to create whole universes out of chance. So what if DNA took millions of years to develop, then it still needed an enclosed environment (a cell) and organelles (cell parts)... But if there is a God - an all powerful God would have the power to create something out of nothing, not because of any preconceived or preeminent matter, but because the all powerful God can do that by definition!
  3. Rub a glass rod with wool, or put a "lightning rod" in or near a puddle (tidal pool), let the ocean vents bask in sunlight: then could static electricity or an electrical flash of lightning like an explosion near a puddle such as a tidal pool, or sunshine piercing darkness cause the initializing of intracellular, mitochondrial energy creation, by "purposeless" living cells that would then begin regulated processes, respiring, digesting, and of course reproducing -- to somehow achieve "genetic programming of uniqueness" but still be the same in multitudes of meaningful ways -- programming of instincts and immune system, healing of injuries, nerves, nerves cooperating, nerves communicating, autonomic life processes (automated) like respiration, hundreds or millions of interrelated, interdependent reactions and systems,... Well, genes contain unique DNA, as coded plans. So each expression of a gene involves communicating their definitive coded information within the living cell. Those highly specific genetic "blueprints" tell the cells which proteins, mineral compounds and enzymes to make for each system. And even such essential nutritional things as vitamins can profoundly affect their interdependent processes. So how, from where, and why did even the simplest life with the many thousand of exquisite instructions, come to be -- to say nothing of expressing millions, billions or trillions of instructions defining individual, personal, and the recognizable racial, tribal and family traits -- from an all powerful God, outside of time, beyond universal limits by definition?
  4. Explain the membrane of the single cell eukaryotes. Plant cell structure is not a simple matter!

    1.) Eukaryotes are all cellular organisms including animal, plants, fungi -- and protists (slime molds and protozoans) -- whose cells are organized into interrelated, interdependent structures inside of selective semipermeable membranes.

    2.) Where did the semipermeable, cytoplasmic membrane (the skin of a cell) and its fluid serum and its first foods come from? Cannibalism -- of... well so that's your answer? Where did that cannibal find enough life to cannibalize?
    • Veggies (plant-life) and proteins were the baby food of the first cell? Oh, so how and why were these plants and proteins available? So then the veggies have interrelated, interdependent cell structure and would need organic materials in plant energy production from the very first second.
    • Wasn't life much too interrelated, interdependent for mother nature to solve a million crucial balanced systems without knowing! So she did all of that without a brain or any observable form of intelligence?

      Plant Cell Structure Photo Image: If millions (or billions) of years of storms in junk yards could never create a modern computer or a beautiful machine of any kind, then what logic says that chaos can create amazing life like one typical cell of a plant and bring it to an excellent, interrelated, interdependent status -- well beyond a virus or simple "germ of life."[1]

Did nature create destructively?

  1. Examine exploding Learn About Igneous Rocks and colliding of continents, folding and breaking... You know that natures greatest building projects like mountains are created by destructive power.
  2. Look at how nature breaks down things and think about whether creation of life seems natural! The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that entropy always increases in closed systems unless external energy is used to "clean it up", similar to how cleaning up a room requires your energy. Entropy, for the most part, means disorder. An example is about breaking down rocks to pebbles and to sand, dissolving, oxidizing, mineral deposits, poison, corrosion, erosion, and rot. Evolution depends on disorder such as mutations but then devolves to order, which is in contrast of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. While some may use escape hatches, such as that the organisms themselves are not closed systems, or that the Earth is not a closed system because it gets energy from the sun, the Sun is not intelligently affecting the Earth in a meaningful way, unlike a person cleaning up a room. Evolution is not surely proven because nothing in science will ever be proven, as the scientific method means that a better alternative to evolution may be found. God can override laws as he wishes, after all, He made laws but is not bound or limited by them.
  3. Point out that the most basic "natural" scientific processes called entropy and chaos do not normally improve things: so how did Cell Molecular Organization of life just "happen" (Please see the image with a chart.)?
  4. Entropy is disorder or uncertainty in a system and much like inertia it is neutral and only Argue That God Exists (Christianity) because of outside forces. Entropy merely resolves to equilibrium.[1]
  5. Equilibrium apparently has no creative energies or powers, and so entropy could do little or nothing but come to a balanced or settled condition (as, by definition, energy is not available to do work by entropy).
  6. Examine the creativity of a great booming explosion, "boom" (a big boom). How much creativity was in that -- over eons of time, settling to equilibrium.
  7. Visualize the big bang. Massive force so great it's not over yet? The universe is said to still be expanding from that explosion.
  8. Contemplate, how and if all life came into existence as the result of "a" big bang, where did that big bang come from? What went boom? Where did that object come from? So how many competing "big bangs" are there out there right now? How do you know?
    • Obviously there is something much bigger than our known "expanding universe".

Consider discussing interrelated, interdependent systems?

  1. Discuss that human brains work with much more than just intellect and logic and that when things go beyond our capability to understand then having faith in something larger than natural processes can bring extreme peace. Maybe it's not the answer, but it is "peace", and peace in itself is a huge reward, a great return for faith..
  2. Make a never ending list: inspiration, intuition, dread, hope, fear, faith, industriousness, procrastination, calmness, anxiety, anger, ambition, initiative, enthusiasm, boredom, fatigue, illness, health,... family, friendship, trust, honesty...
    • To know "very much of everything" is impossible yet being a functioning human, striving further to "know" more: Priceless.
  3. Learn of simple to interrelated, interdependent organization of knowledge in Genesis Chapter 1. What might be called God's plan, for example; though some of it is not expressed as modern humans may expect or prefer, yet see whether it is amazingly following a simple to complex format, from the void plus light, sunshine to exquisite elegance of the organism in the simplest reproductive life.
  4. See that Genesis 1 is not some great mishmash of strange creatures or weird information, though some of its data may seem as outliers (statically out of the norm) yet it is usual to have some such data that is out of your desired set as a value far from most others -- but outliers exist realistically, in most any kinds of sets of data: "Outliers make statistical analyses difficult" (Harvey Motulsky).[2] God would not be surprised at some events or details that are not expected in anything. "He uses simple things to confound the wise."
  5. Consider discussing how self-development and personality in some of the smallest wildest animals to the largest, some having self-awareness, and the domestic animals tranquility all point to what may be called highly ordered, organized and purposeful traits. That does not indicate inane randomness in mental processes that some schizoid accident of nature might infer.
  6. Talk about existence of anything. Express as best you can the amazing interrelated systems of even the simplest life up to the human "multiple intelligences."
  7. Observe that, one of the simplest forms, the virus, unlike the single cell eukaryotes (and prokaryotes) has no semipermeable membrane but a crystalline-like formation called a protein coat.
  8. Examine the bacteria, a form of prokaryotic cell which have a semipermeable membrane but not internal membranous dividers, and archaea also lacking a cell nucleus, and as archaea  organelles are not membrane-bounded internal shapes, so then they are less distinct in form and much harder to perceive and visualize using the highest magnification.[3] They differ from the eukaryotes, which have a distinct place for cell nucleus and membrane-bounded organelles. Most are unicellular, but a few prokaryotes, such as myxo-bacteria, have multicellular stages in their life cycles.
    • The root word "karyote" comes from the Greek karyon "nut or kernel".
  9. Differentiate the other domain of prokaryotic cells besides the bacteria as the archaea originally thought to live only in inhospitable conditions such as extreme temperatures, pH, or radiation but have since been found in all types of habitats. Some believe say that since the archaea is simpler than the other forms of cellular life that they came as an earlier form of life[4], but simpler means God can do life all kinds of ways, ie: simple to complex is evidently present in all things of any kind anywhere, so what does that prove -- order, continuity, persistence, individual qualities, not copies, (identical twins have unique fingerprints),...
  10. Read the first chapter of the Book of Genesis to see that it is organized from simple to complex though it was written many hundreds of years before science and Darwin were known and proposed as evolution as simple to complex. The Bible had that concept first, by far...
  11. Talk about the thousands of "precisely" balanced and perfectly regulated biochemical and electrical systems in the simple single cell life.[5]
    • How could chaos or entropy create precision, sight, hearing, unfathomable depths of nerves and multiple intelligences plus gender, various amazing species (lightening bugs, electric eels, blind bats with sonar, worms and starfish that can regrow body parts...), racial and familial characteristics?
  12. Consider this revelation of God to mankind: "For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse."(Romans 1:20)


  • Research more in depth so you can support your answer. People will ridicule you for "blind Renew Your Faith in Christianity." However, God wants us to know how to believe in Him. We need proof to back ourselves up.
  • Pray for guidance from God. He'll know how to put the right words into your mouth.
  • Don't be afraid. Also, live out your faith. If you are being a "poser" believer, and drinking, swearing, gossiping, wearing revealing clothes- people won't respect you.

Christ's Great Commission

  • Yes, you can win a person to a commitment to the existence of God logically. If you couldn't, what would be the point of preaching/teaching. It is not proselytizing to be a witness of what you know/believe.
  • The one taught must determine whether to have "faith" or not. As the spirit and mind are free will agents.
  • Realize that there are understandings that "prove" God to the willing believer. The existence of "God" is taken by faith.
  • It's not "proselytizing" to follow Christ in the Great Commission spoken by Him as "Go into all the World and teach the Gospel to all, whatever you have heard of me."
  • Paul (the writer of most of the New Testament) proclaimed, "I teach by all means that by some means I may reach some."


  • Don't overdo pressing the issue with others. Belief is not so much personal as is determined by one's faith; what works with God for you may (usually) work for you and others.
  • Do not become over offended when people disagree with you. all we are here to do is plant seeds.
  • Many people dislike avid "witnessing": so, they will keep a watchful eye, and probably won't react how you want them to.
  • Caution: "God does not respect one person or certain days one above another." just faith.
  • You cannot over-sway a determination to disbelieve. God and the Word must make sense if they have heard it presented clearly, and the Holy Spirit must seem real, so that you may win an "atheist" to become a believer in God (as a Christian).
  • Do not fail to prove for yourself the most important questions of life, if God is real, "What would you do to gain the world? Or, what would you exchange for your soul?"
  • You will not be able to convince everyone -- and you might be wasting time. Sometimes people become so defensive that they end up polarized into their current beliefs.
  • If you bury your talents and abilities, then at the End-Time you may expect to hear, "Depart from me you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you."
  • Beware: "Biblical prophecy is not for personal interpretation (not for just you)." for it's purpose, ie: "all scripture is good for reproof, teaching, doctrine".

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