Delete Google History
Google collects information on each of the searches that are performed through its programs. In 2012, they unified all of their privacy information, allowing you to choose whether you want Google to collect your web search history and give it to third-party clients. Follow these instructions to delete your Google history and increase your online privacy.
Google Account
- Go to or and sign into your Google account.
- All of Google's products are unified, meaning that you should use the same sign in to access all Google's products, such as Gmail, YouTube, Documents and more.
- Go to This is where Google manages searches and other browsing information for internal and advertising purposes.
- You can also go to the Google History page when you are on Google's main search engine. Find the gear icon that indicates settings. Click on it and choose "Search History."
Choose Google Search History
- Specify the type of history you would like to remove. Navigate through the different options in the left hand column.
- For example, you can go to "Shopping" or "Images" or "Finance" and see a list of search history dating back as long as you have used the Google account.
- Choose whether you want to delete only certain parts of your Google history.
- This is preferable if you use Google Now, because your cards are based on your Google history. Deleting the finance, shopping or other sections may remove the efficacy of those cards and your voice search.
- Select individual items in each category.
- Click the "Remove Items" button to delete this specific history.
Delete All History
- Return to the main page.
- Press the "Delete All" button.
- Decide if you want to turn Web History off. Go to privacy settings and choose to turn it off, and select who can see your history. Press "Save" to make the changes to your account.
- Even if you choose to increase your privacy settings, Google will collect data about your searches for their internal programs, such as analytics.
- Many Android applications require that you use Google History. You may return to the Google History page and click "Turn Web History On" to save your search history. Google will increase the targeting of your searches according to what you regularly search for.
- To delete your YouTube history, sign onto Google. Then, go to in the same browser. Click on your profile icon and select "Video Manager." Go to the "History" tab and select "Clear All Viewing History." Then, click "Pause Viewing History" if you no longer want it to collect history. Then, repeat this under the "Search History" tab.
Related Articles
- Delete a Google or Gmail Account
- Clear Google Search History
- Delete Google Browsing History
- Disable Delete Browser History in Internet Explorer
Sources and Citations