Delete Images from a Flickr Account

Maybe you realize that you don't need all of your images on your Flickr, or you are creating different accounts for different purposes. Either way, you want to get rid of some of them...Really, after all, do you need those 1001 images of a black cat!? Here is how you do it.


  1. Sign into your Flickr account.
  2. Click on 'Organize and Create'.
  3. Once there, be sure it is on Batch Organize. You should have a blank screen with all of your pictures at the bottom.
  4. Drag the images that you want to delete into the open area.
  5. Click on Edit >> Delete.
  6. Respond appropriately. You will get two dialog boxes asking you are you sure that is what you want to do. Deleting them from Flickr is permanent, so at the very least, be sure that you have copies on your computer or elsewhere.

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