Delete Your Nintendogs+Cats Completely

You want to completely delete your Nintendogs + Cats game. Maybe you've made a mistake, or you have too many dogs, or you just want to start over. You can find this information and more in the Nintendogs manual – but if you don't have a manual, read on and learn how to quickly and easily delete your old file!


  1. Open your Nintendogs + Cats game. To begin, turn on your Nintendo3DS and navigate to your Nintendogs + Cats game.
  2. Press and hold the A, B, X, and Y buttons.[1] While your Nintendogs + Cats game is loading, hold these four buttons down at the same time. This will bring up a pop-up screen that prompts you to delete your save file and start the game over. Make sure to press the buttons before the title screen appears![2]
    • Press A, B, X, and Y as soon as the "Nintendogs + Cats" logo appears. This should be a white loading screen with a small dog icon running in the bottom left-hand corner.[3]
    • If this button combination doesn't work, try pressing the L and R buttons in addition. In total: A, B, X, Y, L, and R.
  3. Select "Yes" to delete your save file. A question will pop up asking you if you want to delete your save file. Make sure that you are ready to lose all of your progress from this game – including all dogs, cats, and items. There is no way to recover the save file once it's gone.[4]
  4. Start over. Once you click "Yes," you have completely deleted the old Nintendogs + Cats file. Let the game load again, and begin fresh!


  • Some sources, including the Nintendo website, say that you should press and hold A, B, X, Y, L, and R to bring up the file-delete prompt. Other sources claim that you only need to press A, B, X, and Y. If one button combination doesn't work, try the other!

Sources and Citations

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