Play Nintendogs

Many people have played Nintendogs since it first came out, but only a few brave souls have gotten to the end. See Step 1 to learn how to beat the whole game.


  1. Start the game. Knock on the door and choose your dog.
  2. Name Your Nintendog such as Taylor, Lucky, Liliana, Max, or Morgan and try to keep your voice normal/the same each time.(Note: Name must be 7 letters or less, try to keep it a simple, easy to understand name, that doesn't sound like a command you'll teach him later)
  3. Feed your dog when it's hungry. (If it's normal, give him a treat (bought later) when he's good)
  4. Give your dog water when it's thirsty.
  5. Wash it when it's dirty (Be sure you have the right shampoo for the hair length: Short or Long)
  6. Groom it with a brush after a bath. (Be sure to also have the right type of brush for hair length). (For example a Labrador Retriever with short hair uses the rubber brush).
  7. Teach the dog as many tricks as possible. (Later reward for correct responses to commands)
  8. Go to an obedience trial. (Tip: Make sure they're bathed/groomed beforehand. Rewarding your pet for commands petting/treats will help)
  9. Give your dog a walk and take it to the gym. (Be sure to tap any droppings to place it in a bag)
  10. Practice for a while, until your dog knows how to do each obstacle.
  11. Enter it in an agility trial. (Practicing at the obstacle course will help your pet's performance)
  12. Then go to the park with a disk and practice. (Try either walking to the empty or dog park, you may have different results depending on your dog and how much he gets along with others.)
  13. When you get home enter it in a disk competition. (Tapping the screen, or calling its name will get it's attention faster, and will bring the disk back quicker.)
  14. Go on Bark Mode (another nearby Nintendo DS and Nintendogs required)
  15. Buy stuff. (When your dog has enough energy, walk it to the discount store to save money!)
  16. Wash your dog, brush your dog, feed your dog, give your dog more water.
  17. Sell stuff. (I recommend keeping at least two of everything you collect besides basic care/food stuff, so you can give presents to friends you make in "Bark Mode." feel free to sell extras, so you can eventually afford a nicer place!)
  18. Finish the game. When you have, it's time for 'free play', where you can do whatever you want. Have fun and boast about your success.


  • When calling your dog, always say it in the same tone, you don't have to name it something simple, it's just easier with an easy name.
  • There really is no "beating" the game, just more time. You still have to take care of your dog.
  • Love your dogs like real dogs, it was made to teach children responsibility.
  • Do these things daily to get more trainer points.
  • Give your dog love and affection each day.
  • Pick up after them.
  • Some dogs do certain things and some don't, don't push it past the limit.
  • You can also get super rare items with clover clock the knit hat or the lucky collar you set up the Clover clock put the knit hat or the lucky collar on your dog and take it out for a walk then you can find very rare items such as the flower Waltz or the promise ring or the gold bar and the Jack Russell Terrier book.


  • Don't do it all in order, the dogs have special needs to do well in some things. P.S. you can't do the walks with out waiting 29 minutes before.
  • Never go to an agility trial without training that day - most dogs will forget things.
  • Don't do cheats very often or you won't really find the point of the game.
  • Don't over-do it.
  • Don't become totally obsessed with the game.

Things You'll Need

  • Nintendo DS
  • Any version of Nintendogs

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