Develop Prosperity Consciousness
Prosperity consciousness is based on the idea that our thoughts create the reality we see and experience on a daily basis. By using a specific set of tools, we can root out the negative thinking which is causing us to experience lack and transform our lives on all levels and attract a bounty of abundance.
- Set aside at least twenty minutes a day to study and visualize your new life.
- Buy a loose leaf binder and label it "Dreams Unlimited." This is where you will workshop the life you are creating for yourself and get clear on what you really want. This will be the place where you write your affirmations, make notes about the process, collect uplifting quotes, make collages of the things you are manifesting, and keep track of the things you accomplish.
- Develop an affirmation for yourself based on what you are attempting to attract into your life. It should be present tense and contain only positive statements. An example would be "I am rich beyond my wildest dreams" or "Life is easy and fun".
- Write out your affirmation at least ten times a day and put it in your notebook. When you are tempted to dwell on the negative, repeat it silently over and over in your head while you take deep breaths.
- Ignore the naysayers, dream killers, and negative people who tell you that it can't be done. If someone else has ever done it before, then you can too.
- Spend a few quiet minutes every day breathing deeply and visualizing your goal as already completed. Picture exactly how you want it to be, but be willing to accept something better. Don't limit yourself.
- Read books on creative visualization, prosperity consciousness, and positive thinking.
- Live "as if." If a circumstance in your life is not how you want it, withdraw your attention from it. Whatever you focus on expands. Live as if all of your dreams are a reality now.
- "Follow your bliss." Experience the joy life offers at every turn if you know how to look for it. Share your love where ever you can. Wear comfortable clothes in colors that you love. Drink a wonderful cup of tea and watch a sunset. Do only that which brings you joy.
- Let it go. Trust that the Universe has heard your request and is doing everything It can to bring it about. Forget about it. Don't worry or fret. Live in the moment and watch how all of your needs are met. When you lose faith, call on your childlike resources and pretend.
- Relax.
- The things you want will come to you when you are ready. If you are stressing and struggling you are literally pushing them away.
- The only limits that exist for you are the ones you create.
- Take quiet time every day.
- You have only one life to live. Live it free of misery, negative ideas and people, and choose to take control of what you experience now.
- "You'll see it when you believe it." Let go of negative programming.
- Trust yourself.
- You have an infinite untapped power that will guide you and direct you if you allow it to.
- Whatever you focus on expands. Focus on the money you *do* have, the things you *do* know, the people who *do* love you, etc, and ignore the rest.