Live in Harmony with Others
It’s a fact that we are all more alike than we are different. In effect, this means the more a person understands and admires traits and talents within him or herself, the more this person is likely to understand and admire about the rest of humanity. The fabric of humanity is woven of many threads and each of us can enrich and uplift the whole as best we can. This article explores ways to ensure the greatest amount of harmony between you and the other human beings inhabiting planet Earth...
- Every time you encounter another person, recognize that a major percentage of each person is identical to you. In turn, appreciate the diversity that comes from the minor percentage of variation. You are a unique configuration of our common human nature. Use reason and good intentions to exercise the will to live, the will to pleasure, the will to superiority, the will to connect and the will to identity, which are all core goals of people the world over.
Recognize the common nature that each person has to pursue personal preservation, personal growth, and personal enjoyment. Seek to honor this nature in you in harmony with your surroundings. Have a vision for your life and for humanity. Work toward “the greatest good for the greatest number of people.”- Think about what goal you want to achieve, what dream you want to realize, what destiny you want to pursue, what plan you want to execute, what mission you want to accomplish and dig deep and enlist the support and Give Encouragement of others to shape the future for the better.
- Recognize that each human being is potentially an asset to humanity. A perceived or actual lack of resources may make another person appear as somewhat of a threat, because he or she would add to the likelihood of some type of shortage arising, but you should realize that most human beings have the capacity to add something of value to the world to a greater extent than he or she depletes its things of value, and keep in mind that we inhabit a very wealthy planet.
- Recognize the unique contribution that each person can make to the ongoing cause of human progress through imagination and hard work. Don’t be overly concerned with another person’s religious or political affiliations but instead ask of the people you meet: Are you making the most of your life? When you Overcome Not Being Able to Look at Yourself in the Mirror, do you like what you see? Can you see yourself in another person and treat the other accordingly? When you lie in bed at night, are you happy with how you spent your day? When you awaken in the morning, are you hungry for higher heights? And for yourself, make the most of your time to live.
- Appreciate your natural desire to Look Good Every Day and to perform well. There is much pleasure that can be derived from having an audience, as well as the pleasure that can be derived from being an audience as you enjoy the appearance and performance of other people. The Keep Your Dignity Upon Indignant People of human beings relentlessly prompts us to carry ourselves in a certain esteemed way. We can bring out the best in each other as a testament to the heights that humanity can ascend to. The unbelievable opportunity to live should be celebrated and maximized to the fullest possible extent by the many facets of the one diamond of human nature because this is who we are. This reality deserves unapologetic expression.
- Recognize that you are able to Be a Useful wikiHowian to others, and that others may be useful to you. It is unreasonable for any person to expect to get something for nothing in any relationship. Keep in mind however that sometimes there is no harm in extending assistance to another person simply because you can and that such a gesture could even be a source of personal fulfillment. Indeed, not expecting reciprocation is a large part of the success of giving because your giving then becomes unconditional. You will find most people will reciprocate anyway, especially when you share of yourself with good intent.
- Recognize that we are all on this planet together. We stand to gain more by working together and with each other rather than working against each other. It has been said by Native Americans, “no tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst themselves.” Humanity faces many unavoidable challenges that require our best defense without us creating additional unnecessary problems between ourselves. Love is the greatest catalyst of harmony and it always uplifts. As there is always a shortage of enough love, be giving of it always, especially in those times it feels hardest.
- Recognize that people have individual lifestyle preferences when it comes to things like food, fragrances, fashion, and entertainment and that sometimes one person’s trash might be another person’s treasure.
- Generate the grateful awareness that we are all children of the Universe and allow your heart to wish perpetually every person more life, more happiness, more success, more love, and more enlightenment.
- Love for self, humanity and the Universe based on the inherent and growing richness of each is the key to an integrated connection with others who also have the opportunity to appreciate these fundamentals of existence to allow for an enduring happiness.
- Realize that if you are at peace with yourself, then it is easier for you to be at peace with others.
- Extend and embrace love at every opportunity.
- Recognize the abundant potential that exists for us to all be adequately sustained through cooperation and an intelligent management of our resources.
- Compete constructively and try to resolve conflicts with patience, tolerance, and communication.
- Humanity is a team, and even though each person would like to be on top, remember that the best style of leadership is by example because the event of one person wisely applying what he or she knows trumps the mere dissemination of a lesson to many any day but both are a helpful influence to others.
- Realize that what goes around, comes around. Send out positive, constructive, and caring actions and words so that the same are returned to you.
- Seek to enjoy life and seek to allow others to do the same.
- No matter whom you encounter, always keep in mind the similarities, which you share with any person far, outweigh the differences.
- When you see a person’s body, remind yourself that a virtual universe exists within that person, similar to you, with memories, dreams, dignity, opinions and emotions and be mindful that each person is more than meets the eyes.
- Try your best to cultivate mutually beneficial or win-win arrangements in relationships.
- Avoid people who hate you categorically for your race, gender, religion, ethnic background, social class unless you have the emotional resources to befriend them and help erode their bigotry. It is not easy and it is counterproductive to spend time with them when you are not at your best and most self controlled. It does not matter why they hate you, the reasons for bigotry are social and cultural, and the only cure is education and breaking down the idea of bigotry in itself.
- Nobody is perfect and this can lead to frustration, but the upside of this is there is always room for improvement and the charity of uplifting humanity should begin at home with oneself.
- The chain of humanity is only as strong as its weakest link.
- It is all right to perceive threatening possibilities in others; do a "reality check" to ensure the object of your fear is real, then act accordingly.
- Just because violence is sometimes necessary to protect oneself; that doesn't mean it's a regular way of life or normal and we should still strive to live in harmony.