Develop Workforce Training Programs

Workforce training programs are offered by government, educational and private institutions to prepare people for jobs. Developing such programs requires research about the labor market, dislocated workers, high-demand qualifications and skills certification requirements. Offering graduates of training programs assistance with the job search is also an important component. Here are some strategies for developing workforce training programs.


Research the Needs of the Labor Market

  1. Analyze the labor market. Examine local labor market trends to understand current dynamics. Information about the unemployment rate and affected demographics will provide a benchmark for comparison as you continually develop your workforce development program.
  2. Identify the target audience for your program. You may be focused on transitioning workers, veterans, at-risk youth, single mothers or new college graduates.
  3. Explore the industries and trades in greater need of workers. Worker demand typically varies by region. Depending on the area, there may be greater demand for construction workers, administrative personnel, nursing assistants or another job type.
  4. Speak to the people in charge of hiring. Approach various industries and organizations to ask them which worker skills and qualities they are seeking. The more detailed the list of qualifications, the easier it will be to design workforce training programs that meet workplace needs.

Design a Workforce Training Program

  1. Focus on the specific skills needed for available jobs. Child care workers may need cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification in order to work in preschools or private homes. Virtual assistants may need computer software applications training.
  2. Administer aptitude and skills assessments. Providing pre- and post-tests allows participants to witness their own skills training progress.
  3. Recruit qualified instructors. Establish a reputable workforce training program by hiring experts who are both knowledgeable and skilled in the art of instruction.
  4. Partner with other agencies. There may be local schools or agencies that already provide certain training components or certification programs. Partnering is often an efficient way to meet the needs of participants while simultaneously gaining access to new groups of potential program participants.
  5. Establish a pilot workforce training program. Recruit participants by offering free or low-cost training. A pilot program will allow you to make necessary program changes based on observed outcomes.
  6. Administer participant feedback forms. Ask program attendees to explain whether or not the program met their training and workforce placement needs. Questions might address the quality of instruction, relevance of program content and clarity of program expectations. Feedback forms are generally more informative if they provide a combination of multiple choice and long answer sections.
  7. Follow up on the progress of the workforce training program graduates. The best way to gauge effectiveness is to examine the percentage of people who are gainfully employed after completing the skills training program.

Assist Participants with the Job Search

  1. Offer a job search and placement service. Program graduates might require help to find available jobs.
    • Create an internal listing of available jobs. Based on the unique workforce development training offered by your organization, compile a list of organizations and jobs that are hiring qualified applicants.
    • Provide job search counseling. Individuals who are new to the workforce or transitioning between industries might need guidance on interview techniques, interview attire and resume development.
