Divide Rhubarb Plants

Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable that grows well in the United States, England and other countries. It is sometimes referred to as a "pie plant," because it is especially prized for its tangy taste in rhubarb pies. It is also used to make sauces and baked goods. Its celery-like stalks grow in spring and provide an abundance of produce, if cared for properly. The easiest way to plant a strong rhubarb plant is to take part of a successfully growing plant. Rhubarb can be divided every 5 years. This article will tell you how to divide rhubarb plants.


  1. Plan for rhubarb dividing during the correct season. The plant should be divided when it is dormant. In warmer climates, this may be mid-December or February. In colder climes, it may be dormant from late fall to early spring. Since the plant will no longer be producing stalks, it may be hard to spot, so be sure to mark the plant with a stake or stick, so that you can find it again.
    • If you live in an area with snow, it is best to do this before or after the ground freezes.
  2. Wear thick gardening gloves. The soil may be cold at this time of year. Wear appropriate clothing that can be soiled.
  3. Use a gardening fork to raise the crown of the plant from the ground. Since rhubarb can only be divided every 5 years, the roots should be firmly attached to the crown. You will need to break some roots under the crown with the fork.
  4. Take a spade and separate the plant into 2 or 3 different crowns. Each section must have at least 1 white or pink bud on it. You may need to look carefully before using the spade, in order to see the hidden buds.
    • A large rhubarb plant could be divided into up to 8 plants, as long as care is taken to include a bud and at least a small amount of root with each section.
  5. Use your foot to apply the appropriate amount of pressure it will take to separate a well-rooted rhubarb plant.
  6. Dig a hole for each rhubarb section. The hole should be bigger than the rhubarb crown section.
  7. Place a crown section into the hole, root section first. Make sure the top of the crown is at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the top of the hole.
  8. Fill in the remaining inch (2.5 cm) with soil. Press it down with your foot to ensure that the crown is firmly planted in the soil.
  9. Plant rhubarb crown sections in the remaining holes.
    • Root pieces need to be properly protected if you are not planning to plant them immediately. They must not dry or freeze. Keep them moist and moderately warm.
  10. Mark the areas you have just planted with a stake or stick. The rhubarb should start to sprout in early spring, when the soil warms.


  • Be careful not to break the crown or the delicate buds. This may impede growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Gardening gloves
  • Spade
  • Gardening fork
  • Shovel

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