Do Simple and Cute Hairstyles
There are some days where you may be running too late to do a complicated hairstyle. Other days, you may just want to mix up your look with a simple change. Luckily there are many cute hairstyles that are easy to learn and just take a few minutes to do.
Making Ponytails
- Decide where you want your ponytail to sit. Ponytails are incredibly versatile. Your ponytail's placement can dramatically affect your look.
- High ponytails sit on the crown of your head so that the ponytail is visible from the front. These are very dramatic and fashionable.
- Tying your hair just a few inches lower gives a more sporty look.
- Low ponytails at the nape of your neck can make you look down-to-earth.
- Another less common type of ponytail is one tied to the side of the head instead of the back. Side ponytails can make you seem quirky and fun.
- Tease your hair slightly at your crown. Take a section of hair from the back of your head where it starts to curve downward. Gently backcomb the bottom part of this section with two or three passes.
- To backcomb, grip the section of hair and hold it vertically away from your scalp. Run a comb from the middle of the back of your hair towards the roots, stroking downward. Repeat this until the gathered strands have created a cushion on your crown.
- If you are doing a side ponytail, tease a small section of hair right above where you plan on placing the hair tie.
- If your hair is curly, you can skip this step.
- Gather your hair back. Use both hands to sweep the majority of your hair backward and hold it in place with one hand. For a sleek and practical ponytail to keep hair out of your face, gather all of your hair, including your bangs. For a more laid-back look, leave your bangs loose.
- For a side ponytail, gather your hair to the side instead.
- Secure your ponytail in place. Take a hair tie and pull it over your ponytail from the back. Once the elastic reaches the base of your ponytail, twist it into a figure 8. Pull your ponytail back through this new opening. Repeat this until the hair tie no longer has slack and your ponytail isn't budging from its desired position.
- For extra style, you can use a colorful scrunchy. You could even create your own unique ponytail by adding braids or twists wherever you want. For a simpler look, use a plain elastic.
- Consider doing a double ponytail. One easy secret to creating a longer-looking ponytail is to stack two ponytails on top of each other. Instead of tying all of your hair back at once, separate it into top and bottom halves. Tie each half back as its own ponytail. Comb the ends of the two ponytails together so they blend together as a single, very long ponytail.
Doing a Quick Sock Bun
- Get a hair donut. The most important thing you'll need to make a sock bun is a spongy donut-shaped item to wrap it around. Hair donuts are what give the sock bun its perfect shape. You can either buy a hair donut or make one for yourself by cutting the toe off of a tube sock. Discard the toe. The remaining sock tube will be your donut. You don't have to shape the tube; it will take on a donut shape further on.
- Put your hair into a ponytail. Use the techniques discussed elsewhere in this article. Place the base of your ponytail wherever you want your bun to sit. The most popular position for a sock bun is on the crown of your head starting from a high ponytail. It's better to use a thin hair tie rather than a bulky scrunchie, as a scrunchie may cause bumps in your bun.
- Pull your ponytail through the center of your sock bun. If you're using a hair donut, just put it on just as you would a scrunchie. If you're using a sock, pull it down to the base of your ponytail. Then, take one edge of the sock and roll it up into itself until it takes on a solid donut shape around your hair.
- Roll your hair onto the donut. Bring the donut up to the tip of your ponytail. Spread the ends of your hair evenly around the donut. Then slowly roll the donut down towards the base of your ponytail, wrapping your hair with it.
- Roll the hair donut down around the base of your ponytail. Tuck any loose strands into the donut. If you can see the donut through gaps in your hair, gently spread your hair out a bit to cover them. Depending on how tight you've rolled your bun and how thick your hair is, you may not need to secure it any further. If your hair is very fine or you've rolled it loosely, secure your bun with a few bobby pins.
Styling a Simple Chignon
- Use a comb to give yourself a middle part and gather all of your hair back. A chignon is a classic hairstyle that can be thought of as a cross between a ponytail and a bun. Make sure you have two large and four small bobby pins on hand if you decide to go with this style.
- Twist your hair. Take your gathered up hair with one hand and twist it in a clockwise direction by rolling your wrist. Be gentle to avoid hair breakage or hurting your scalp. Keep twisting until all of your hair from the nape of your neck to the tips is a tight spiral.
- Coil your hair into a bun. Hold your hair with one hand, maintaining its twisted spiral. With that same hand, begin to wrap the whole strand in a clockwise circle around its base. Place your index finger of your other hand in the center of the base to keep the bun in shape. Once you've gotten down to the end of your hair, wrap the tips underneath the rest of the bun.
- You can also do a counterclockwise chignon. If you choose this option, start by twisting your hair counterclockwise instead in Step 2.
- Secure your wrapped hair. Use large bobby pins on either side to hold your bun securely. Make any minor changes to your bun's shape you'd like by gently pulling edges loose with your fingers. Once you have the desired shape, pin it in place with the four smaller bobby pins.
- You may choose to put the finishing touches on your chignon by adding a little volume to your hairdo. Use the tail of a comb and gently slide it under the hair at your crown. Gently pull the hair slightly up and out of the bun. You can use the same technique on the outer portion of the bun.
Doing a Simple Braid
- Create a pony tail where you would like the braid.
- Take your pony tail and separate it into three equal strands. Label them A, B, and C respectively.
- Create your first twist in your braid by taking and crossing it over B. The order should now be B, A, C.
- Next you should take C and cross it over A. Now the order should be B, C, A. This creates your first twist in the braid.
- Repeat steps 2-4 until you get to the end of your braid, secure with an elastic and enjoy your new look!
Doing a Headband Tuck
- Slide a stretchy headband over the crown of your head. Position the front of the headband so that it either rests on the top of your forehead or an inch or two back on top of your hair. Move the back portion of the headband wherever you want your tuck to be. A popular position is the nape of the neck.
- Make sure your headband fits correctly. It must be both tight enough to stay in place all day and loose enough for hair to be tucked into. Your headband should not slide around at all on your head. You should be able to slide two to three fingers comfortably underneath the headband. Don't wear a headband that feels like it's pinching your head.
- Tuck your hair into the headband. Begin from the front and work in sections. Take a strand of hair into your hand and roll it inward and underneath the headband.
- If your hairdo is looking too flat, add some volume. Take a styling comb and gently insert it under the hair at your crown and/or tucked into the headband. Carefully lift the comb to pull the hair out slightly. Re-tuck any strands that you may have accidently loosened out of the headband completely.
- A headband is a great way to liven up a standard hairstyle.
- In general, make sure your hair is completely dry and free of tangles before pinning it up or tying it back. However, the headband tuck is one of the few styles appropriate to use on wet hair when you're in a rush.
- If your hair is straight and you want to add some volume to your ponytail or half-up style, use a curling iron to add some temporary waviness to your hair.
- Dry shampoo is a quick cheat when you don’t have time to wash your hair. It also works to give straight hair texture to help styles stay in place longer.
- Too much teasing can damage your hair. Be sure to condition well the next time you wash it.
- To avoid heat like straightening or curling irons.If you do need to use them,add a protective spray.
- Bandanas are great for a pop of colour! They're super stylish, and protect your head from the sun!
Related Articles
- Make a Curly Ponytail
- Clean Hairbrushes and Combs
- Curl Hair
- Do an Inside Out Ponytail
- Make a Hair Roll
- Make a French Braid Headband
- Make a Bohemian Vintage Style Bun
- Do Pin up Hairstyles
- Do a Neat Middle Height Ponytail
- Get a Perfect Curly Hairstyle for Prom Party
- Put Your Hair Up with a Jaw Clip
Sources and Citations
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