Do a Swanton Bomb

You are doubtless familiar with the wrestling move, the Senton Bomb, in which the attacker leaps from the top turnbuckle , flips forward by turning a three-quarter turn, and lands on his opponent back-first. Now you can read about how to perform the Swanton Bomb, made popular by Jeff Hardy.


  1. Be on a ladder or a couple of inches above a swimming pool, if you're fast at turning.
  2. Keep your body straight and arms out-stretched by looking forward and downward at the same time.
  3. Slightly bend your legs and arms.
  4. When you jump make sure your legs shoot upward so your back gains momentum and you land flat on your back


  • These moves have the potential to be dangerous if not done correctly. Professional wrestlers train extensively to learn how to do these moves safely.

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