Do a Weird Thing With Your Fingers

Have you ever wanted to do something awesome with your hands? This funky hand aerobic exercise might make people look at your hand twice!


  1. Pick your hand that's most stretchy.
  2. Stretch out your hand a little.
  3. Put your middle finger over the index finger.
  4. Put your ring finger over the already bent middle finger, stacking it on top.
  5. Put your pinky over your ring finger. This is the hardest part. If you can do this, you're done! Hurray!


  • The shadow your hand makes in this position looks like a monster. Try it and see!
  • Once you get good at it, try to do the other hand with the first finger and thumb of your "already weird" hand. This really impresses people.
  • You should probably do this after having exercised your hands in some way, because it can hurt.


  • If you don't stretch, it can hurt. Not everyone has hands that are malleable enough to do this exercise.

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