Make a Whip Sound With Your Fingers

Ever heard someone make a "whip" sound with their fingers after doing something impressive and thought, "I want to do that"? This guide gives an overview of the process.


  1. Place your middle finger and thumb as you would if you were going to snap them.
  2. Make your index finger as loose as it can be.
  3. Whip your hand as hard as you can so your index finger slaps against your middle finger.
  4. Keep practicing.


  • Make sure your index finger is as loose as possible because it has to be if you want the "whip" sound.
  • Try doubling it up! You can whip alternating fingers really quickly and it sounds really cool! (But annoying at times!)
  • This takes time and probably isn't very good for finger or wrist as it hurts a lot sometimes!
  • You are going to have to get over the fact for the first week (or days) you won't make any sound. Keep trying and eventually you will get a little crack sound!


  • In some cultures it's an insult! Know your crowd.
  • If your finger starts to hurt, stop for a little bit and let it rest!
  • Remember, your whacking your finger off bone so it can't be very safe, it is very fun though!

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