Download Subtitled Japanese Anime from mIRC

This is for those that hate downloading subtitled Anime from torrents and have a need for a faster source. Downloading Anime from mIRC can be very rewarding and you get to make friends (enemies as well) along the way!


  1. Download and install mIRC, after, there are a few things that need to be specifically configured in order to properly go about downloading Anime without problems. Web Page:
  2. Open mIRC, click Tools on top and select Options.
    • Once the option menu is up, you will notice 7 categories. They are Connect, IRC, Sounds, Mouse, DCC, Display and Other. Only 2 of them are important for this.
  3. Double click Connect and you’ll now be asked to type in your name, e-mail, a nickname and an alternative nickname.

    Note: If you feel you are willing enough to put your real information then do so but many for security reasons, don’t. Putting down your actual e-mail may result in receiving spam. mIRC has really grown in popularity and so be creative with your nickname because it may or may not be taken already.
  4. After having double clicked Connect, you were presented with 5 sub-categories. They are Server, Options, Local Info, Identd and Firewall.
  5. Default settings for Servers, Options, and Firewall are just fine but you can choose to go through them after this tutorial. It’s recommended that you refer to the Help Section for an explanation on each sub-category.
  6. To move on, go to Identd and check where it says “Enable Identd server?. Why enable Identd? Many IRC servers require Identd in order to identify who you are and what operating system you’re running. Under User ID, you’ll type in the nickname you used in step 3; all other settings should be left on their default values.
  7. Look back at the regular categories again and double click DCC. In this section, you’ll see “On Send Request? and “On Chat Request?. The settings for this section are more of a personal preference. For those that wish to request a download and let it download on it’s own you’ll change “On Send Request? to Auto-get file, “If file exists? to Resume. For those that wish to request a download and wait on it, you’ll select “Show get dialog?. It’s recommended that you leave the “On Chat Request? on Show chat dialog because IRC is filled with many spammer and this may cause your IRC client to be filled with extra windows filled with spamming messages from those uses.

    Note: Leaving Auto-get file on can be very risky depending on what room you’re in. Certain rooms may have users that’ll attempt to send other users viruses but most room Admins will usually kick those users out.
  8. Now select the sub-category “Folders�? and under Type select default.
    • Once you’ve selected default, click on edit and under “Into this folder�? change it to the location where you want your downloads to go.
  9. Click on Ignore now under Folders and make sure you select Disabled under Method. On the bottom, uncheck “Turn ignore back on in.?
    • If you feel this is going to end up having bots sent you all sorts of things then try this. Switch the method to “Accept only? and add the following extensions: *.avi, *.mkv, *.mp4, and *.ogm.

      Commonly known extensions for subbed Anime video files.

      Note: This is done in order to avoid having mIRC decline an anime download request because of its extension.
  10. Now go to Fserve and check everything except “Perform DNS lookup.? You’re now done configuring your mIRC client. It’s time to get to downloading!
  11. This is the part where you think about the anime series you want to download. Go to these two sites: – AnimeDB – Baka Updates

    For the purpose of this article, I will be showing you how to acquire a subtitled Anime using Baka-Updates.
  12. Go to and look for the search box at the middle right corner. Type in the Anime series you want and wait for the results. As an example, I’ll search for the Anime series “School Rumble?.
    • Once you search for a specific series, you’ll be giving multiple results. If you end up with multiple results then go through the results and click on the one you want.!
  13. Scroll down through the results, click on the group that that’s recently subtitled an episode and it’ll take you to their info page.
  14. On the page, click on their IRC link. Once you’ve clicked on it, mIRC will open up with the message “Do you want to? there select Open new connection and hit okay. It’ll now connect and take you to the group’s IRC room.
  15. In the channel, read the topic that first pops up and it’ll show you specific triggers. Once these triggers are typed and entered, they’ll guide you through acquiring the Anime. That’s it!

    More updates to this eHow coming soon.


  • If you prefer to download directly there are several paysites such as which offer terabytes of content via HTTP and FTP.
  • If you're having trouble receiving a download then kindly ask for help in the room. Being polite will guarantee you getting help. If you're rude then don't count on it.
  • Always remember to register and identify your nickname on the server window.

    Register command: /nickserv register password (your email).

    Identify command: /nickserv identify password.
  • Always read the Anime group's rules. For the rules, type and enter !rules .
  • Most video files are encoded using a specific codec that your computer might not currently have installed. Anime groups recommend the codec pack "Combined Community Codec Pack." Refer to external links for CCCP homepage.

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