Draw Angels

Here is a simple tutorial on how to draw 2 angels facing each other and praying.


Traditional Angels

  1. Start with the angel on the right. Draw a profile. Then draw two lines crossing at the nose. These guidelines will help you when adding detail to the head.
  2. Draw curly hair and a face. Use an "L" shape to draw his closed eye at the cross of the 2 lines from the previous step. Then, add a line above it for an eyebrow.
  3. Outline a body. In this case, the angel will be kneeling with his hands in praying position.
  4. Draw the hands. Also begin drawing the outline of the angel's wings.
  5. Add feet. You can also add lines to emphasize the folds in his robe.
  6. Draw feathers on the angel's wings.
  7. Outline your work using a black pen (or any other permanent media). Erase inside lines and guidelines to clean up your drawing.
  8. Repeat the previous steps on the opposite side. Your finished product should be two angels.
  9. Color your artwork.

Cartoon Angel

  1. Draw a medium-size circle for angel’s head. Draw a cross-section inside the circle.
  2. Draw the pattern for the body using straight lines and curves. Draw a rectangle below the circle. Draw a line near the upper part of the rectangle. Draw trapezoids which extend from the upper rectangle.
  3. Draw clothes for the angel resembling a robe. Draw the necklace using small circles which are connected.
  4. Draw details for the legs and feet using curve lines.
  5. Draw the wings using curves which are longer at the top and becoming smaller as it goes down.
  6. Draw details for the angel’s eyes, nose,mouth, and hair. 
  7. Draw the halo using a ring shape at the left side of the head.
  8. Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines. Refine the drawing by adding details.
  9. Color using your imagination!

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