Draw Dinosaurs

Have you ever wanted to draw a dinosaur for homework, kids, or maybe just for fun? Here is how to draw a stegosaurus and a Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs.


Method One: Stegosaurus

  1. Draw a small horizontal oval for the head and a bigger one for the body.
  2. Insert a slanted oval within the big oval for the thigh of the hind limb.
  3. Add four small ovals for the legs of the dinosaur.
  4. Create further four ovals for the feet.
  5. Join the head with curved lines as shown and two straight lines meeting at a point for the tail. Also make a small box for joining one of the forelegs.
  6. Pierce 7 straight lines on the spine for the bony plates of the dino.
  7. On the basis of the guidelines draw the details.
  8. Erase all guidelines.
  9. Color the cartoon stegosaurus.

Method Two: T-Rex

  1. Draw a modest circle.
  2. Overlap it with another smaller sized circle.
  3. On the left of the circles create an anti-clockwise rotated ‘V’ for the opened mouth.
  4. Join the V to the circles with lines as shown.
  5. Join another line inside the mouth of the V.
  6. Create another slanted horizontal oval for the tail.
  7. Make a small oval overlapping the bigger circle and a vertical oval within the smaller circle for the forelegs’ thighs.
  8. Add overlapping ovals for the legs’ lower part.
  9. Create more overlapping ovals for the hind legs’ thighs.
  10. Overlap those with more ovals for the lower part of the legs.
  11. Draw straight lines for the digits as shown.
  12. Draw every detail of the dino.
  13. Erase all unnecessary guidelines.
  14. Color the tyrannosaurus rex.

Method Three: Pterodactyl

  1. Start by sketching a skeleton of your dinosaur. Draw a curved cross as shown.
  2. Add in 2 triangles for the beak, a circle for the head, and an oval for the crown.
  3. Sketch in a neck and thin body, using ovals. Add in feet and a very small tail.
  4. Sketch in a curved triangle for the wings and don't forget to add a hand with small fingers.
  5. Outline your drawing and add in details; erase guidelines.
  6. Color it up and you're done! You've just drawn your very own pterodactyl!

Method Four: A Raptor

  1. Draw two ovals for the head and body of the raptor.
  2. Draw a curve on the upper oval for the snout.
  3. Draw curves connecting the head and body, and make the tail.
  4. Draw a series of connecting ovals for the hands and add lines for the claws.
  5. Draw another set of larger ovals for the legs.
  6. Draw semi trapezoids for the feet and add sharp curves for the claws.
  7. Draw a jagged line for the mouth and an oval for the eye.
  8. Based on the outline, draw the raptor.
  9. Add skin textures and stripes to the raptor.
  10. Erase the unnecessary outlines.
  11. Color your raptor!

Method Five: A Triceratops

  1. Draw an oval for the triceratops frills.
  2. Draw another oval attached to semi-trapezoid for the head.
  3. Draw three sharp curves for the horns.
  4. Draw a large oval for the body.
  5. Draw a set of curves for the triceratops tail.
  6. Draw a set of ovals attached to blocked shapes for the feet.
  7. Add the triceratops face (draw the mouth, nose, and eyes).
  8. Add curves to the frills and body of the triceratops.
  9. Complete the triceratops based on your outlines.
  10. Add skin texture details to the triceratops.
  11. Erase the unnecessary outlines and color your triceratops!

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser gum
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors

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