Draw a Unicorn
The unicorn is one of the most popular mythical creatures. A unicorn is a strong, wild and fierce creature. There are different ways to depict a unicorn, so this article has a traditional version, a cartoon version and a cute and sweet version. Choose the style that fits your needs.
A Traditional Unicorn
- Draw a circle for the base of the head, and use the guidelines to position the snout.
- Then create the ear.
- Create a long pointed shape for the horn with curve lines around it.
- Draw the body. Add more lines to make the muscles more visible.
- Draw the left front leg.
- Draw the right leg.
- Draw left back leg.
- Followed by the right leg.
- Add the hair on the head portion.
- Create the hairy tail.
- Add lots more details
- Add the outlines to the unicorn
- Remove the guidelines. You’re done with it. Keep up the good work!
- Finished.
A Cartoon Unicorn
- Draw two horizontal oblongs and a circle. The longer oblong and the circle overlap each other at the upper right. This will be the framework.
- Draw the unicorn’s four legs and hooves from the two overlapping circles, using straight and curve lines.
- Draw curve lines to connect to the oblong at the left and also to draw the details of the head – eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Draw details for the spiralling horn at the forehead.
- Draw the ears using rounded curves extending from the head.
- Draw the tail using curve lines.
- Draw using the curve lines to refine the sketches of the legs, hooves, and tail.
- Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines. Add details to beautify.
- Color to your liking!
A Cute Unicorn
- Start by drawing a little horn.
- Add the eyes. Draw two small circles under the horn. Add a dot in each circle.
- Fill in the face area. Draw the curve of face and ears.
- Form the body. Create two curves of a body, as shown in the picture.
- Add legs. Draw four small rectangles to form the cute unicorn's legs.
- Add details on the unicorn's face. Also add details to each leg.
- Draw a little tail.
- Add fur. Draw fluffy fur on the unicorn's back.
- Add some color in this cute unicorn. All done!
- You can make it to be more nutty by put the tongue under its face.
- For ultimate zaniness, add small hearts in each eye.
Things You'll Need
- Drawing paper
- Drawing pencil(s)
- Eraser
- Markers for coloring