Draw a Lizard

Lizards are funny little reptiles, interesting both to see in the wild and own as pets. Here are some easy steps you can follow to learn to draw your very own lizard!


Geometric Shape Method

  1. Draw an oval for the head. Sketch in outlines for the facial features.
  2. Draw a circle for the eye and add a line for the mouth. You could make your lizard smile if you want! And if you are in a bad mood then make it crying and frowning.
  3. Add a slender, small oval for the neck. Add a large one for the body and add in a long tail.
  4. Add two small ovals each for the legs and small circles for the feet. Add in small ovals for the fingers and don't forget to connect each with a curved line for it to look webbed!
  5. Add in details. You can add spots, lines, or something else entirely your own; it's up to you!
  6. Outline the whole image. Erase any unnecessary guidelines.
  7. Color it in. Typically lizards are green or brownish to blend in to their surroundings, but you can make yours whatever crazy colors you like.

Teardrop Method

  1. Get some reference images. You'll want to have pictures of real lizards to look at, so that you can make yours look as real as possible!
  2. Sketch the body shapes. Begin by drawing a rounded tear-drop shaped head, as well as another rounded tear-drop shaped for the body. The points should be pointing outward in opposite directions, with a small gap between them.
  3. Connect the shapes. Attach the two shaped with a neck guide. And erase your whole lizard so that you can see all of the lines that you drew when your first started
  4. Draw the outline and details. Now that the shapes are all drawn in, you can begin sketching out the shape of the actual face and head structure. Notice that this animal has a strong under-bite. Draw the jaw line in a well defined manner, and then add some of the back neckline.
  5. Add the eyes and nose. Now you will draw the eye. Start with a bold arched line for the lid, and then draw the eyeball. Add a nose hole, and then some definition around the head and neck.
  6. Draw the neck and front leg structure. Up next, draw the front part of the neck, and then draw the front legs which are very squishy looking. Draw in the feet and toes .
  7. Add in the back legs. Draw the other leg and notice how the leg is pointing toward the other leg. The legs of a lizard are bow shaped.
  8. Add other body details. Continue to work on the body by drawing the belly. Then add the back lines which then turn into the tail.
  9. Clean up your drawing. Clean up your drawing by erasing the guidelines and shapes that you drew in Step 1.
  10. Color your lizard. You can color your drawing if you want to.


  • Draw lightly in pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.
  • To have a more full, completed picture, add a background like a lizard on a log.
  • If you want to use markers/watercolors to color your drawing, use paper that is relatively thick and line over your pencil more darkly before doing so.

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