Draw Lines in Microsoft Word

Whether you're drawing circles or the Mona Lisa on Microsoft word this article is for you.


  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Under the 'Insert' tab select 'Shapes' and then choose 'Line'.
  3. To draw just left click and drag and release the mouse to draw a line.
  4. Once you draw something the menu at the top will change to give you options about your line or options for other things like color.
    • If you want a different kind of line, select a different shape from under the line section. To draw a free form line select the squiggly line under the lines tab.
    • To change the thickness or color of the line go under shape outline and you will find options to change these.
    • You can also do a variety of other things like making your drawings 3D to make the picture 3D just select '3D effects' from the top bar.


  • The line options will appear once you place a line or shape.
  • Once placed the line can be moved around.


  • Save your work often to reduce the risk of losing your work.

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