Turn a Scanned Document Into Microsoft Word Document
If you have Word 2007 or a more recent version, you can use it to edit scanned text, which is much faster than typing the whole thing from scratch. To enable this feature and convert a scanned document to editable text, follow these steps.
Enable Document Imaging
- Find a list of your installed programs in the Control Panel.
- Windows 7 or Vista: Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
- Windows XP: Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Remove a Program.
- Select your Microsoft Office edition, then click Change. Your version of Word might be in a Microsoft Office pack or it might just be called Microsoft Office Word.
- Click Add or Remove Features, and then click Continue.
- Expand Office Tools, then click on Microsoft Office Document Imaging and select Run all from my Computer.
- Click Continue, then wait for configuration to complete.
Convert a Scanned Document to Editable Text
- Scan and/or open the document with Paint. If scanning, follow the sub-steps below. Otherwise, simply open the scanned image with Paint and skip to Step 2.
- Go to File > From Scanner or Camera to initiate scan if necessary.
- Choose the settings that best fit your document and hit Scan. Since you are primarily interested in the text, Black and white picture or text is probably best.
- Go to File > Save or Save As as necessary.
- Select TIFF from the drop-down list and hit Save. You can now close Paint if you want.
- Open Microsoft Office Document Imaging. Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Tools and select it from the list, or simply do a search for “microsoft office document imaging.”
- Open the .tiff file. Simply go to File > Open and locate the file you saved.
- Hit CTRL+A to select all and CTRL+C to copy. This will initialize text recognition.
- Open a blank Word document and hit CTRL+V to paste.
- Correct misspellings as necessary.
- Plain scanned text converts much better than forms (containing boxes and the like), which lose their formatting.
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