Draw Mickey Mouse
Walt Disney introduced Mickey Mouse over 90 years ago. Since that day, there have been many changes to his looks. The only thing, however that never changed was the various circles that created his head.
Classic Mickey Face
- Draw a circle. .
- Draw two small circles positioned on each side of the head for the ears.
- Draw the nose using an oblong. Add a horizontal curved line on top of the nose.
- Sketch two small oblongs for the eyes on top of the curved line. Add small circles for the pupils.
- Sketch a long curved line for the mouth, and another curve to make it look like Mickey is smiling. Draw the tongue using an M shape.
- Draw the shape of Mickey’s face, the cheeks are slightly protruding.
- Finalize lines from your outline.
- Color your drawing.
Method Two: Mickey’s Full Body
- Draw a circle for the head. Add another small circle below and connect the two circles with a stretched curved line.
- Add the ears using two circles on each side. Draw a crossed line across the face to help you draw details later.
- Draw Mickey’s hands and feet.
- Sketch the face, he has oblong eyes and a rounded nose. Draw a slightly curved horizontal line below the eyes.
- Draw the mouth. Sketch a long curved line across and a smaller curved line below to sketch a smile on Mickey’s face.
- Draw the shape of Mickey’s face, the cheeks are slightly protruding.
- Draw details to his costume, two buttons on his shorts and his gloves.
- Erase unnecessary lines.
- Color your drawing.
Method Three: Alternative Mickey Face
- Start with drawing a large circle, that will make up his face.
- Add 2 smaller circles on each side, making up his ears.
- Draw a horizontal line, and a vertical one through the middle. This will help you to add the eyes and nose in the correct spots.
- Draw a horizontal oval in the middle (the nose)and draw a curved line over top of the oval (has to be a little longer than the oval on both sides). For the eyes, draw two long ovals and add dark circles for the pupils toward the bottom.
- Draw another curve under the oval with a curved line at each end (the smile) and add almost like a smile on the smile and then add the tongue.
- Add what looks almost like angry eyebrows.
- Connect those down to where the mouth is.
- Shade/color it in! You can add the 3-D letters MICKEY, too.
- Draw lightly so you can erase your mistakes.
- Look at the picture, and use it as a guide for your sketch of Mickey Mouse.
- Use a lead pencil to draw the lines softly.
- Trace circular items such as the bottom of a cup so your circles can be perfect.
- Practice drawing on a grid to get the placing correct.
- Try to experiment with different shapes and sizes.
- Use an "M" shape when doing the tongue.