Draw a Mouse Using The Letters in the Word

This shows you how to draw a mouse with just the letters of the word "MOUSE".


  1. Write M. Make sure it is not in the center of the page, or the rest won't fit! So put it more to the top.
  2. Write O below M. Right underneath the middle point of M. Make sure the O is not touching the M.
  3. Write U below O. The highest points of U touching those lowest points of M. Do not make this too big.
  4. Write a cursive S in small touching the right junction of M and U. and continue to write cursive E in small (so 's' and 'e' will look like legs of the mouse. Extend e, and make an extended curve to touch the right leg of M.)
  5. Tick the end. Since you spelled the "mouse" correctly, give a tick mark at the mouse's back - that's the tail!


  • Make sure that you can read it, otherwise it looks strange.

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