Draw Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty is a 1956 Disney animation based on a French fairy tale by Charles Perrault. Follow this tutorial for drawing Princess Aurora (the titular character) slumbering peacefully as she waits for Prince Phillip to save her.


  1. Sketch the head as seen. Make it a fairly narrow oval, tilted so that when you add Aurora's face it will be looking upwards. Include guidelines (vertical for nose and mouth and horizontal for the eyes) that arc with the head shape.
  2. Sketch out the neck under the head. Continue with a bit of the shoulders, slender but shaped clearly.
  3. Continue the lines from step 2. Create the bust, arms, and hands as seen, with gently sloping lines that imply the delicacy of her condition.
    • The hands should be folded, one over the other, but don't detail the fingers yet.
  4. Shape the head and add facial features. Aurora's face is slightly heart-shaped, with a tapered chin, and eyes that are large underneath her eyelids.
    • Emphasize her brows and lashes, which should be relatively dark.
  5. Put clothes on the body. Her dress goes off her shoulders, with a wide V-neck and tight, long sleeves. Make sure you curve the ends of the sleeves to match her wrists, and detail her fingers carefully.
    • The fingers are probably the most difficult part of this step, so draw them over if you need to, but don't obsess further if you don't get them by the third or fourth. They're a very trivial part of the drawing--most of your effort should be put towards Aurora's face, not her extremities.
  6. Add the hair. It should be long, luxurious, and wavy, spilling over the pillow in a graceful way even though its owner is asleep. Draw curls within each lock of hair and try to make them seem natural (see accompanying image for reference).
    • Continue the bangs from step 4, curling against the top of her forehead.
  7. Add more details. Draw a crown on her head, above her hair, as though it too is lying against the pillow. The pillow should be huge and downy, with flounces around the edges for decoration. The blanket is simple--draw it as shown, with long, slightly curved lines.
  8. Line the drawing with black ink. Try to make your line modular, with thin sections around the face and thick portions of the blanket.
  9. Color in your drawing. Aurora has a green/pink dress and vibrant yellow hair here (although in the movie the colors are a bit more muted). Whatever color included is your decision.


  • Have fun, but take your time while drawing, and don't stress if she doesn't come out right from the first try.
  • Don't make it look like she is smiling; make sure her lips are just slightly curved (like the Mona Lisa).
  • Sleeping Beauty should look very vulnerable and dainty, like a porcelain doll. Make sure her skin isn't tinted heavily, and her hair makes up most of her mass. Try to make it seem as though she's just sleeping, not under Maleficent's spell. Her expression should be light and untroubled, and it probably would not look that way if she knew she'd been cursed by a mistress of evil.
  • Make sure to have a printed version when you draw, it will help you.

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