Draw Rapunzel

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" Rapunzel is the main character of a classic fairy tale written by the Brothers Grimm. This tutorial will show you how to draw Rapunzel from the 2010 Disney computer-animated film Tangled.


  1. Draw an oval with guidelines for the head. These should be vertical for the mouth and horizontal for the eyes, meeting in the middle where the bridge of the nose will be.
  2. Sketch the body/body position using geometric shapes. Use a vertical rectangle for the torso and a horizontal rectangle for the lower body, connected by a curved line (like a spine). Draw straight lines for the arms and legs (with circles for joints) and rectangles for hands and feet.
    • Rapunzel is slim but has a fairly unique body shape, so try to get your early sketching done effectively.
  3. Create the shape of the body on the sketched “skeleton." Draw the shape of the face and ears, with the rest of the body on the “skeleton."
    • Have the skirt outline go OVER and around the legs--you don't even need to detail the lower body because it's covered by the skirt of the dress.
  4. Make the face. Draw the eyes, nose, and mouth following the guidelines. Make eyebrows above the eyes. Carefully erase the guidelines once you've done this.
  5. Cover the body with clothing. Draw the long hair and add details, mostly to her hair, hands, and outfit.
    • Put a flower behind her ear like Flynn Rider does in the movie, or sketch in her devoted companion Pascal the chameleon on her shoulder. It's all about what you choose to do with the drawing, so use your imagination!
  6. Outline the drawing with black ink. Make a modular line (passing from thin line to thick line and vice versa) to give it a more realistic look.


      • Rapunzel's face, especially with the addition of her enormous eyes, is extremely expressive. Work that to your advantage by making her smile light up the whole paper, her cheeks smooth and symmetrical, each and every eyelash the ideal length and angle. The more time you spend on your details, the better. And remember, practice really does make perfect!

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