Draw a Cartoon Monkey

Sometimes, trying to draw a monkey seems impossible. Don't worry, you can learn to draw a cartoon monkey as easily as a stick person. Let's begin!


  1. Sketch the wireframe and the pose of the monkey.
  2. Sketch the shapes to build the monkey's body.
  3. Sketch the details for the face, fur and the rest of the body.
  4. Refine the sketch using a smaller tipped drawing tool.
  5. Draw the outline over the sketch.
  6. Erase and remove the sketch marks.
  7. Add color.


  • If you use pencil and then outline with pen or Sharpie, it not only lets you erase mistakes with your pencil, but the outlining gives it an outstanding finished look.
  • Adding color to your monkey makes the monkey look great.
  • Try using different expressions, poses, and even shapes and colors for your monkey.
  • You make get frustrated, but with practice, it'll become a second nature.


  • Sharpie ink doesn't come out of fabric, so be careful.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pen or a Sharpie
  • Pencil

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