Draw a Cartoon Frog

Need to draw a frog for a school project, someone that really loves Care for Captured Tree Frogs or just feel like drawing a frog? Follow this simple step-by-step guide for instructions on how to draw a cartoon frog.


  1. Draw an oval shaped head.
  2. Draw a squat body under the frog's head.
  3. Draw long legs and web-like feet beneath the frog's squat body.
  4. Draw two small little frog arms.
  5. Draw two big circles where you think the eyes should go.
  6. Draw a big smile on your frog.
  7. Draw some small forearms on your frog.
  8. Go over the remaining parts of your Do a Frog in Gymnastics, including its legs.
  9. Review your artwork and fix any spots that need to fixed.
  10. Finished.


  • Using a pencil will make fixing minor errors much easier.
  • After you draw it in pencil, go back over it in pen.
  • Erase lines that are not needed after you finish.
  • Always use a pencil when drawing..
  • Do not darken your pencil marks while drawing as it may look untidy while erasing it
  • To make it stand out, outline it with a black felt-tip pen.

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Sources and Citations

  • VideoJug - Original source of this information, shared with permission
  • Stephen Marchant, The Cartoon Museum, London