Draw a Football Helmet

The football helmet is a piece of protective gear that is an integral part of the American football and Canadian football. This tutorial will show you how to draw football helmets in 2D and 3D.


Football Helmet in 2D

  1. Draw a big circle. On the lower half portion of the big circle, draw a smaller circle.
  2. Draw a curve line that will serve as the outline of the helmet.
  3. Draw a slanted "A" on the right side of the drawing.
  4. Draw a vertical line at the tip of the lower side of the "A" and connect that line with the upper line of the "A" using a curved line.
  5. Outline the drawing to complete the details of a face mask.
  6. Outline the shell of the helmet.
  7. Add designs as desired.
  8. Colour accordingly.

Football Helmet in 3D

  1. Draw a big circle and then add an oblong on the lower left portion.
  2. Draw a small triangle. Draw a quadrilateral adjacent to the triangle.
  3. Attach a pentagon below the quadrilateral.
  4. Add a slanted vertical line on the lower left portion of the big circle and close this shape by adding a curved line.
  5. Outline the drawing to make out the details of the face mask.
  6. Add details to draw the shell of the helmet.
  7. Add more specific details and design to the helmet.
  8. Colour as desired.

Front View Football Helmet

  1. Draw a circle.
  2. Draw a rectangle for the protective plate.
  3. Draw a trapezoid with a horizontal line below it.
  4. Draw another larger trapezoid with two horizontal lines above it.
  5. Draw a series of vertical lines to outline the details of the helmet.
  6. Based on the outlines, draw the helmet.
  7. Add more details to the helmet such as stripes, logo, and interior details.
  8. Erase the unnecessary outlines.
  9. Color your football helmet!

A Football Helmet

  1. Draw a circle to outline the helmet.
  2. Draw an elongated oval intersecting with the circle drawn earlier.
  3. Draw the lower part of the protective plate by making an irregular polygon.
  4. Draw a curve with a triangle on the right edge to make the upper part of the protective plate.
  5. Draw a square on the upper front part of the helmet.
  6. Draw the helmet using the guidelines.
  7. Add more details to the helmet.
  8. Erase the unnecessary outlines.
  9. Color your football helmet!

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser gum
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors

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