Draw a Snake

Snakes are legless reptiles with scaly tubular bodies tapering toward the tail, lidless eyes, and venomous fangs. Snakes are famous for their roles in animated movies. Let's begin!


A Cartoon Snake

  1. Draw a medium-size oval shape for the snake’s head. Draw two small circles below that oval for a framework for the snake’s body.
  2. Draw a curve connecting the circles and the oval to taper the snake’s body.
  3. Draw the curves extending from the small circle at the left end to complete the snake’s body. The tail becomes more slender near the tail.
  4. Draw the sketch for the eyes and tongue for the snake’s head.
  5. Refine the sketch of the head to make distinct the snake’s nose and mouth. Make it look like a cartoon and add details for the snake’s body
  6. Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines.
  7. Color to your liking!

A Traditional Snake

  1. Draw a circle for the snake’s head.
  2. Draw the curved shape that overlaps the circle a little at the right. This serves as a framework for the snake’s body.
  3. Draw the curves which connects and complements the first half of the snake’s body.
  4. Draw the curves which completes the other half of the snake’s body. The curves become more slender near the tail.
  5. Add the details to the head for the snake’s eyes, tongue, mouth, and nose.
  6. Add the details for the snake’s body.
  7. Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines.
  8. Color using your imagination!


  • Draw lightly in pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.

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