Draw a Wolf
Learn how to draw a wolf by following the steps in this tutorial.
Method One: Standing Wolf
- Draw the body.
- Draw a bean-shaped elongated oval for the body.
- Make sure that you are using a pencil for the draft sketch so you can erase it afterwards to make it neat.
- Add joints and head.
- Draw a circle at the one end of the bean, this will be the head.
- For the hind joints, draw two overlapping circles. One should be smaller because it’s for the hind leg that is not in full view from the angle.
- At around the chest part of the wolf, add a slightly elongated circle for the fore legs.
- Finish the neck and add the ears.
- Draw a two pointed curves on top of the head for the ears. Unlike foxes, wolf ears are smaller.
- To work out the neck (or the scruff) just draw two slightly curved lines and connect both sides of the head to the bean-shaped body.
- Add muzzle and legs.
- For the hind legs, start by drawing curved lines from the leg joint. The lines should bend outwards towards the tail part of the wolf.
- For the fore legs, you can just add 2 thick lowercase “l”. Since one of the wolf’s legs is hidden, only a small part of the other leg could be seen.
- For the muzzle, add a small letter “U” at the head.
- Add eyes and tail and finish the hind legs.
- For the eyes, just add two small tear-shaped figures above the muzzle.
- Finish the hind leg by adding a similar shape to the one you did earlier but this time, add some small paws at the end of the legs.
- The tail is hardly seen because it’s hidden behind the hind legs. Because of that, you can just add a long curvy line at the end of the bean-shaped body.
- You should have the basic drawing skeleton now.
- Using a pen, draw on top of your sketch.
- Put in mind the overlapping lines and parts that should be hidden.
- Remember to use fuzzy-looking crooked lines to get the wolf’s furry look.
- The line art might not look perfect and crisp but it should look neat when the pencil is erased.
- Erase the pencil sketch and add details.
- You can add details like the ears, eyes, mouth, nose, paws, claws and fur.
- You can also add extra lines to emphasize the paw and the fur.
- Color your wolf.
- Depending on the breed, wolves can go in different shades from gray to brown or even white.
Method Two: Howling Wolf
- Draw the body.
- Draw a bean-shaped elongated oval for the body.
- Make sure that you are using a pencil for the draft sketch so you can erase it afterwards to make it neat.
- Add the 2 ovals.
- One oval should be bigger and longer and should point slanted upward. This is the wolf’s neck and head.
- The other oval should be drawn on the other end of the body. A long, thinner, vertical oval will be added for the tail.
- Draw the muzzle and joints.
- Just beside the tail and at the base of the slanted oval, add two circles for the leg joint.
- For the muzzle, add a smaller oval pointing in the same direction as the neck/head oval.
- Add a tear-shaped figure below the muzzle this would be the jaw.
- Add ear and legs.
- Because of the angle, only one ear is visible. And to draw this, just draw a small rounded triangle pointing the opposite direction as the muzzle.
- Add the legs by drawing lines below the leg joints. The hind leg should bend towards the tail.
- Complete the legs.
- Add similar lines to define the width of the wolf legs. The bottom part of the legs should look flat into the ground.
- Add another pair of legs behind the ones you drew before. Because they are only slightly visible from the view, just draw a small part of them, peeking behind the legs
- Add paws.
- Add 2 pairs of circles at the end of the flat base of the legs.
- You should have the basic drawing skeleton now.
- Using a pen, draw on top of your sketch.
- Put in mind the overlapping lines and parts that should be hidden.
- Remember to use fuzzy-looking crooked lines to get the wolf’s furry look.
- The line art might not look perfect and crisp but it should look neat when the pencil is erased.
- Erase the pencil sketch and add details.
- You can add details like the ears, eyes, mouth, nose, paws, claws and fur.
- You can also add extra lines to emphasize the paw and the fur.
- Color your wolf.
- Depending on the breed, wolves can go in different shades from gray to brown or even white.
Method Three: A Cartoon Wolf
- Draw a circle. Add two protruding pointed shapes on each side at the top of the circle for the ears. Using curved lines, draw the nose.
- Draw a circle below the head and connect this to the head using curved lines for the body.
- Draw three straight lines for the forelegs and a semi-circle for the feet. Add another semi-circle for the hind leg’s foot.
- Draw a half crescent shape for the tail pointing upwards.
- Add details to the face. Draw an egg shape for the eyes, add a smaller circle within for the pupils. Draw a curved line for the eyebrows and a circle at the tip of the nose. Sketch three tiny circles at the side of the nose and draw a sharp fang using curved lines.
- Draw the head and make it look furry using small curved strokes.
- Draw the rest of the body. Add a few curved strokes on the chest area for a furry look and sketch small slanted lines on the feet to separate the toes.
- Erase unnecessary lines.
- Color your drawing.
Method Four: A Simple Wolf
- Draw a circle for the head. Add triangle like shapes on each side of the circle for the ears. Draw a curved line in front of the circle for the protruded nose and sketch a crossed line from the circle extending to the nose.
- Draw a circular shape for the neck area and another one for the body.
- Draw the limbs using curved and straight lines.
- Add the tail on the rear part of the wolf using a curved line.
- Add details to the face. Draw two almond shapes with a circle inside for the eyes. Draw the nose using a circular shape. Sketch the mouth and draw sharp teeth.
- Draw the head using short slanted strokes for a furry look.
- Draw the rest of the body adding a few slanted strokes for the fur. Sketch small slanted lines on each foot to separate the toes.
- Sketch soft slanted strokes on some parts of the wolf’s body, especially on areas usually covered with shadow.
- Erase unnecessary lines.
- Color your drawing.
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser
- Pen
- Colored pencils, crayons, marker, oil pastels, or watercolors
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