Draw a Stylized Anime Eye
When drawing manga, it can get annoying to be able to draw everything perfectly, but never draw the eyes correctly. In manga and anime, the eyes are one of the biggest features.
- Create the basic shape of the eye. Notice the shape, the shine, and the lashes. These are the main parts of an eye (besides the pupil and iris) and are very important for showing emotion, gender, and even good and evil! The shape basically means the curve of the eye (when you start to draw the top and bottom of it). The shine is a white line, dot, or smudge inside the iris and pupil area. It's usually used to bring the eye to life. The eyelashes gives the eye depth and character into the whole face.
- If you are drawing male eyes, know that they tend to be long and not so curved. The iris and pupils are normally smaller than a girl's, and the shine in the eye is much smaller as well. This does not count for young boys, though. They can usually get away with having large eyes and a lot of shine. Eyelashes on all male characters should be very limited with one, or at most two.
- A female eye will have a major curve to it, such as the shape of a half of an 'o'. They also tend to have a lot of shine, and many lashes. Especially young girls! There are a few exceptions, such as older female characters, or evil female characters.
- Apply emotion into the eyes. Evil characters' eyes tend to have a slanted shape, with sharp edges and a small pupil. You can even make the pupil a diamond-like shape, like the pupil of a cat!
- Change the eye colors. Normally people will stick to coloring the eye natural colors (such as brown, green, blue, and hazel). But in anime, you don't have any limits to your eye color. Drawing punk girl eyes? Try pink! Drawing a vampire? Make the eyes red or yellow! The color choice is entirely up to you and your imagination.
- Use final details to give it that realistic feeling. When coloring the eye, normally the color is darker towards the top and gets lighter towards the bottom of the eye. Another thing that many anime artists do is instead of making the pupil black, they make it a very dark color of the eye. Try seek a very dark green color for the pupil for a light green eye color.
- Have your own unique and personal style. Remember, these are just guidelines. You can draw your anime eyes any way you want to! Try different placements for the shine, too. Create your own style and have fun!
- If you're just starting out, try not to press too hard with the pencil. You'll leave an indent in the paper when you erase.
- If you can't get the two eyes exactly the same, that's okay. Just keep trying!
- First try with a pencil so you can erase easily. Then for more darkness and make it stand out used a black market or pen is sketch pens. Be patient as the eyes are difficult.
- To make the lines of the eyes and eyelashes stand out more, try using a black pen.
- Don't spend too much time on it. If you start to get annoyed with it, you may just give up. Take it slow.
Things You'll Need
- pencil
- black pen (optional)
- coloring pencils
- paper
- eraser