Draw an Anime Cat Girl

Drawing anime and chibis can be a lot of fun, especially cat-girls. Here is a quick way to draw a cat teenage girl (note, this is only for the face).


  1. Draw some guidelines. A circle for the head, with two triangular shapes on top for the ears.

  2. Add the guidelines for the center of the circle. This will be used to determine where the features are going to be.
  3. Add a couple of circles for where the eyes are going to be.
  4. Add the guidelines for the hair. This can just be a simple shape, just to outline what the hair is going to look like.
  5. Add the chin and the rest of the facial features, including the ears.
  6. Detail the hair. With anime, hair doesn't need too much detail, just enough to give it some character.
  7. Fill out the eyes. Anime eyes are probably the hardest part for most beginners to do right, and they probably need a tutorial of their own.
  8. Erase any all the guidelines that you don't need, and you're done!
  9. Finished.


  • If it doesn't look right the first time, practice, practice, practice! If you're only just starting out in drawing, you might not find it easy to control the pencil in the way you'd like to. Take some art class in middle school and or high school. Ask your parent to buy you art set to so you can practice on it to.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Drawing materials (pencil is recommended)
  • Eraser
  • If you don't want to use paper, use photoshop and a tablet!
  • Or use a computer!

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