Draw an Anime Paper Doll

Have you ever seen and admired paper dolls in a store? Now you can make your very own paper dolls for almost nothing!


  1. Draw the character or animal in a simple outfit like a T-shirt and shorts. Be sure the doll isn't too small so that it's almost impossible to cut out.
  2. When you are done with the basic doll, slide the other piece of paper on top of the doll. Draw the first outfit on the doll like you would place it on the doll when you are playing.
  3. Draw some more outfits for the doll.
  4. To make the doll even more cool, draw the hair short like a boy and make different hairstyles like you would do the clothes.
  5. Color your doll and clothes. Colored pencils and markers are best because most crayons are too thick to get tiny detail.
  6. Touch up your doll by erasing all of the stray pencil marks and smudges.
  7. Scan your paper doll and give copies to friends or put them on a website. Or, if you're too impatient to play, cut out the doll, accessories, pets, whatever and have fun!
  8. Glue cardboard to the shape of the doll to make it sturdier.


  • Make the lines on the doll's t-shirt dark enough so you can see what you're doing and not make the clothes too small (unless you want it like that!)
  • Cardstock is not recommended for drawing dolls because it's harder to see through.
  • Practice drawing people. Find pictures in magazines and on the internet. Even if you don't want to make 'realistic' dolls, it is still better to learn how to draw people by looking at real people than at cartoonish people.


  • Take your time.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 sheets of paper
  • Pencils
  • Coloring stuff (optional)
  • Picture of character (optional)

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