Draw a Cute Anime Cartoon Puppy

Everyone adores puppies so they're a natural subject for drawing. And it's hard to find anything as cute as an anime cartoon puppy! Follow these steps to create your own anime cartoon puppy, one that you're sure to be proud of.

Note: Follow the red lines in the images for the focus of each step.


  1. Sketch out a guide for your drawing on quality drawing paper. Draw a large circle and then an oval about three quarters below the initial circle, but ensuring it goes inside the circle, as shown. This step forms the basis for the head, with the lower circle forming the dog's lower face, cheeks, and jaws.
  2. Add two squarish ovals either side of the large circle. These are for the ears.
  3. Tilt the puppy's head a little bit to the left. For the body and the legs, draw a larger oval under the head sideways, as depicted in the image.
    • Now add the legs. Draw two small ovals for the front legs. As you can see in the image, the ovals overlap the body oval mostly, with part of the end of each oval going down beyond the body oval.
    • Add two more ovals for the back legs, remembering that one of the back legs will eventually be covered by the body due to the perspective of this drawing, so simply allow a little tip to show beneath the body oval.
  4. Draw three circles for the paws at the end of each leg. Draw three small circles across the base of each circle to form the dog's "claws" ( or "toes").
    • Add a small oval for the tail.
  5. Create guidelines for the face of the puppy, remembering that anime eyes should look either too big or too small (these are what really make the dog look cute).
    • Now draw two large or small circles for the eyes, depending on what kind of anime puppy you desire.
    • Inside these circles draw two to three smaller circles for the glare/highlights of the eyes. This image shows how the eyes will look once completed.
    • Read How to draw anime eyes for more details on the specifics of the anime eye.
  6. Create the puppy's mouth. Draw a round cornered triangle for the nose and an inverted "Y" shape connected to the nose, as shown in the image.
  7. Outline or darken the figure. Then, erase the sketch lines.
    • In the image for this step, you can see two action lines have been added behind the puppy's tail, to give the appearance of wagging.
  8. Color the puppy in, add some shadows and highlights, a spot here and there. At this point, what you add really depends on your preferences.


  • Cute puppy accessories to create a whole scene include a bone, a kennel, a bow or collar, a chew toy or pull rope, and a pal such as another puppy, a butterfly, maybe even a caterpillar.
  • Take your time and don't rush. If you do this you'll make less mistakes and it'll be easier for you.
  • Don't use pen, because if you make a mistake you can't fix it.
  • Don't use a too dull pencil or a too sharp one, if it's too dull the picture will look flat, and if it's too sharp the pencil will break.
  • Always feel enthusiastic when drawing, and never give up. Determination is key.
  • It can take a few tries before you get the shape and style the way you'd like it be. Try again the next day if it's not shaping up as you'd like it to at first.

Things You'll Need

  • Quality drawing paper
  • Pencil(s)
  • Eraser
  • Coloring pens, pencils, paint, markers, or crayons

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