Draw an Eyebrow

Drawing eyebrows can be tricky but with practice, you will develop the ability to create very expressive moods on a face with the use of the eyebrows alone. Perfecting the eyebrow style takes time. This tutorial will teach you two methods of drawing an eyebrow. Let's begin!


A Realistic Eyebrow

  1. Draw a curve line above the eye.
  2. Add a thicker rugged line following the form of the curved line drawn previously.

A Cartoon Eyebrow

  1. Draw a curve line above the eye.
  2. Based on the curved line drawn previously, draw lines to add volume to the eyebrow.
  3. Color your eyebrow.


  • When you add the hair, don't make the hairiness appear overdone. Doing so will make the eyebrows look unreal, too thick, or just not good.
  • Sometimes it takes time to capture every little detail. Keep practicing.

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