Drink a Soda
There are many ways to drink soda. Some people enjoy drinking right out of the can or bottle, others like to use a straw and some people drink out of a glass. It doesn't matter which way you drink soda, but drink in a way that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable.
- Purchase your favorite soda. It can be obtained from a vending machine, a supermarket or a soda fountain in a restaurant.
- Wipe any foreign matter from the rim (top) of the can to prevent contamination. This can be done with a tissue or your sleeve. Don't use any dirty cloth to clean it. (providing it is clean). Rinse the lid prior to opening, if possible. Remember, it may well have been stored in a place where it came in contact with vermin, dirt or others hands.
- Open the can by lifting the metal tab or cap until you hear the fizzing sound the soda makes. When you hear this sound the soda is open. Don't break a nail!
- Drink with various utensils and containers.
- Drink out of the can or bottle. Place the bottom edge of the can or bottle's rim against your bottom lip. Lift it ever so slightly so the soda pours into your mouth. Swallow the soda slowly and repeat until the soda is gone. But stop once in a while to catch your breath (do not breath and drink at the same time or you will choke) and to let the fizz subside.
- Drink out of can or bottle with a straw. Put a straw into the opened can and sip.
- Drink soda out of a glass. Carefully pour soda into a glass and drink slowly. You may want to tip the glass and pour aiming for the inner side to prevent excessive foaming.
- If you're drinking out of a soda can with a straw, turn the tab so that it is over the open mouth part of the drink. put your straw in the little hole on the tab, and then turn it as far to the left or right that you can without pulling the straw out completely. Now you can drink your soda without your straw floating away!
- Drink soda chilled, or over ice. It usually tastes much better.
- Do not shake the can or it will create a mess when you open it.
- Mix two different-flavored sodas together. Cherry soda goes great with Coke. Also fruit juice with sprite or 7up goes well.
- If the soda is too carbonated for your taste, pour unrefrigerated soda slowly over ice. This will greatly reduce the carbonation, making it much smoother, and easier to drink.
- Soda has different names depending on who you were raised by and where. Generally, it can be called "soft drink", but some refer to it as "pop", "soda pop", or "fizzy drink" in Europe.
- If drinking out of the can: To avoid the "Who's soda is who's" deal, use a can cooler or cozy to decorate the can or to tell its yours. Some people use them to drink the soda cold and not freeze their hands.
- Diet soda may not have sugar but it's carbonated and it can still cause cavities.
- Caffeine kicks in around 30-60 minutes after soda intake. Make sure to not drink soda too close to your bedtime so you can get a good night's sleep.
- Do not brush your teeth directly after drinking soda. This can prevent remineralization of the enamel following the acid attack from the soda and can lead to erosion of tooth surfaces. But it is a good idea to rinse your mouth and teeth with water after your soda experience.
- If you shake the bottle or can too much the carbonation might go away! Which sometimes can be the best part!
- Never share drinks unless you pour your unconsumed drink into a cup. Sharing drinks is a very common way to spread meningitis and other diseases.
- Drinking soda through a straw in the back of your mouth is believed to cause less tooth erosion than using a glass or drinking from the can/bottle as it avoids contact with the front (more visible) surfaces of the teeth
- Some claim to have a soda addiction because of the caffeine it contains, so monitor your soda intake carefully. You can always go for the caffeine-free soda option.
- Diet sodas contain Aspartame, which is under investigation for possible harmful side effects, so you might as well avoid soda altogether if you really don't want much sugar.
- Sodas rich in carbonation such as Coca Cola have negative effects on people who play sports. This acid lowers the pH of your stomach causing your body to act differently to strenuous or rigorous activity. If you're an athlete, seek another drink.
Things You'll Need
- Soda
- Straw
- Glass
- Ice, if it suits you.