Dry Fresh Grown Catnip

Catnip is a wonderful, underrated herb. It can be used to stuff your pet cat's toys, as a treat for them, or even as a tasty home brewed tea for yourself! Below we will discuss the technique of drying catnip.


  1. Locate catnip plants growing wild either on your property, or visit a garden store during the spring or summer, and purchase a catnip plant or two. Is it winter? Simply buy seeds. It is very important to note that if you are picking wild catnip, be certain it has not been treated with chemicals as this could be deadly for you and your cats! Do not pick catnip that is growing near a road.
  2. Cut the plant at the base with scissors so you have long stalks of catnip. Be aware that you will want to cut more than you think you need, because the plant is going to dry up and shrink.
    • Wait till the plant is at least 5 inches (12.7 cm) before cutting it.
  3. Secure the catnip together with either yarn or heavy thread.
  4. Dry the catnip by hanging it upside down in a dry, dark area such as a linen closet. Stick a tack to the inside of the door, and tie your catnip around it.
    • Keep in mind that the plant must be hanging upside down and the door must be closed most of the time for the herbs to dry properly. The catnip will lose potency if exposed to light.
  5. Wait four to eight weeks (or more depending on the humidity and light conditions) you will have completely dry catnip! Enjoy the smell and watch your cats go wild for the favorite treat!


  • Try putting the catnip into a brown paper bag and closing it at the top. You don't have to worry about light hitting it and it will keep dried leaves from falling off onto the floor and making a mess.
  • If you only want a small amount of catnip, visit a pet store. They have them year round, at cheap prices. Also, some grocery stores will carry them during the summer in the garden or produce sections.


  • Only use catnip plants that have not been commercially sprayed! If you are not 100% sure about wild catnip, or the herbs growing by a farmer's field, please do not use them!
  • Make sure wherever you are storing the catnip can not be easily accessed by your cats.

Things You'll Need

  • Catnip plants
  • Scissors
  • Pots, water, sunlight
  • A dark closet or room
  • A willing cat
  • A brown paper bag.

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