Eat Kudzu
Kudzu is often viewed as a pest plant with its long-reaching vines. However, you can make a variety of tasty dishes and drinks from fresh and powdered kudzu. Start by harvesting the kudzu in the field or purchasing prepackaged kudzu starch. Boil the leaves and blossoms or peel the roots, as needed. Add kudzu into a variety of recipes for jelly, tea, quiche, and more.
Harvesting Kudzu for Consumption
- Locate a kudzu patch. Look in wooded areas or fields for a vine system that is large and climbing into the trees. The vines will have purple flowers on them that smell very similar to grapes. The leaves are green and tri-cornered with small hairs on their skin. If you choose to harvest wild kudzu, make sure that the area has not been sprayed with pesticide.
- Be careful that you do not harvest poison ivy instead. This plant is often found mixed in with kudzu, but its leaves are smaller.
- Choose the best harvest time. If you are interested in the kudzu blossoms, then visit the patch between July to September. If you are hoping to harvest the roots, they are best accessed in the fall and winter with some of the surrounding foliage has died off. Pick off the young leaves in the spring and early summer for maximum tenderness.
- Pick the blossoms. Use a pair of garden shears or heavy scissors to sever the thin stem connecting each kudzu flower to the larger vine. Gently add the flower to your basket or harvest sack being careful not to crush them. Most of the flowers grow at the base of the plant, so you will not have to pull down too many high-climbing vines.
- Keep fresh kudzu flowers in the refrigerator for up to one day before processing or cooking.
- Strip off the leaves. Use a sharp knife, heavy scissors, or garden shears to separate each leaf from the vine. For the best taste, choose leaves that are smaller, young-looking, and bright green. Place the leaves in your basket and do not crush them.
- It is possible to cook with the larger “poke” leaves but these are often tough and chewy in texture. Also, be sure that any leaves that you choose are free of any sign of bites by animals or insects.
- Dig up the roots. Get a small shovel and dig up the surface roots, which are around {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} in diameter and only a few feet deep in the ground. If you feel up to a challenge, use a larger shovel and attempt to remove some of the deeper tubers, which can weigh upwards of 200 pounds. Make sure that you wear gloves while digging.
- Purchase commercial kudzu. If you want a kudzu cooking product that will last longer, then go to your local Asian market or search online for kudzu starch. This starch comes in a variety of forms including jarred powder, heavy chunks, or sliced flakes. The color determines the price and quality, with whiter starches being more expensive. Read the labels carefully before buying.
Processing Fresh Kudzu for Consumption
- Wash all plant pieces thoroughly. As soon as you bring the harvested plant pieces into your home, take them to a sink and give them an extended warm water rinse. It might be easier to pour them into a colander for this part. Move the pieces around to ensure that you’ve removed all stems and dirt. Also, keep an eye out for kudzu bugs.
- Lay the pieces out to dry on a towel when you are finished.
- If you are cleaning the roots, then you may want to use a scrub brush to remove any caked on dirt.
- Boil the leaves and shoots. It is possible to eat the leaves raw, but many people prefer to boil them in order to remove the fine hairs that coat the surface of the leaf. Start by bringing a large pot of water up to boiling. Put the leaves into the water and leave them for about a minute. Spoon them out and allow them to dry before eating or cooking.
- Follow the same process for any green vine tips that you pick. The vine tips are particularly nutritious and filled with good proteins.
- Peel the roots. After you’ve washed off the roots, go ahead and peel them just like you would with a sweet potato. Use an industrial strength peeler or sharp knife, if necessary. Then, you can bake, roast, grate, shred, or even pound the root flat. Some people grind them into a fine powder, like what is sold in stores.
- If you mash the peeled roots, continue to do so until they form a grey paste. Use a screen to filter the paste with water until the color begins to lighten to white. Then, set the paste out to dry in a room temperature, often dark, space for up to two months.
- Some people dry the paste on a mesh rack, while others simply set the paste blocks on wax paper on a shelf. Make sure that the drying area is clean and free of dust or pests.
- Discard the seed pods. The green, fuzzy pods that hang from the vines via small stems are not suitable for human consumption. As you are processing your harvest, go ahead and toss both the pods and the seeds therein.
- Store carefully. Any dried kudzu powder that you do not use should be placed in an airtight container and stored in a cool, dry location. Fresh leaves and blossoms can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days in an airtight container. Placing a damp paper towel with them can retain some of their moisture.
Testing Out Kudzu Recipes
- Make a blossom jelly. Place four cups of Kudzu blossoms in a colander. Give them a quick wash with cold water and then transfer them to a bowl. Add in four cups of boiling water. Place this bowl into a refrigerator and let cool for eight hours. Strain out and discard the blossoms. Mix one tablespoon lemon juice and one package of pectin with the blossom liquid in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and add five cups of sugar. Keep stirring. Remove from heat and pour into jelly jars.
- As a final step for canning, seal the jars and submerge them in boiling water for five minutes. Allow to cool before storing.
- The blossoms will add a subtle grape-like taste to the jelly. For a stronger taste, add more blossoms into the original mixture.
- Make a kudzu quiche. In a medium bowl, stir together three eggs, one cup heavy whipping cream, ½ teaspoon salt, a pinch of ground pepper, one cup grated mozzarella cheese, and one cup chopped Kudzu leaves. Pour into an unbaked pie shell and bake for 35 to 45 minutes. Remove and let cool.
- Boil some kudzu tea. Add some water to a saucepan or kettle on the stove. Bring to boiling and stir in some kudzu leaves or kudzu powder. Use a strainer to remove the leave pieces and allow it to cool. The final product will contain slight earthy undertones, almost similar to a drink infused with snow peas. Some people prefer to boost the sweetness with a sprig of mint.
- Some people say that kudzu tea can help a person fight off a cold or other illness.
- Create fried kudzu leaves. Get a handful of fresh, green kudzu leaves. Ideally, choose ones that are about 2-inches in size. Make a batter out of water and flour and any preferred spices. Dip the leaves into the batter and then place them into a skillet with some hot oil. Fry on both sides until crispy. Remove and drain on a paper towel.
- These chips are best when eaten warm shortly after cooking. They will taste similar to fried pea pods.
- Do a kudzu stir-fry. Place a bit of oil into a skillet or wok and heat it up. Add in some ginger, garlic cloves, tamari, bok choy, and kudzu powder or leaves to taste. Pour in ¼ cup of water or more. Cook on low heat until the bok choy or leaves are fully cooked. It should take about five minutes.
- The taste of kudzu leaves is often compared to that of lettuce or kale.
- Use it as a general thickener. Kudzu powder is a particularly good way to add some substance to watery gravies or puddings. Add 1 ½ tablespoons of kudzu powder for every one cup of liquid. Increase the powder by ½ tablespoons for an even thicker final product. Keep whisking the liquid until any large clumps are broken down.
- Placing the mixture in a saucepan over medium heat until simmering can speed up the process of thickening.
- Kudzu powder has a very non-descript taste and can take on the flavors of any strong ingredients that it is paired with. That is why it is a good idea to use flavorful spices or foods, such as garlic, when cooking with kudzu.
- Make a pudding. Get a saucepan and mix together one can of coconut milk, two tablespoons of maple syrup, one tablespoon of lime zest, ¼ cup of lime juice, one teaspoon of vanilla extract and ¼ teaspoon salt. Turn up the heat to medium and simmer. Add in three tablespoons of kudzu powder and let thicken. Pour into cups and allow it to cool.
- Top the pudding with baked, chopped pistachios.
- Feel free to harvest as much kudzu as you need or want. The plant is invasive and will regrow whatever you take.
- Do not plant kudzu for the purpose of harvest. Instead, find and use natural patches.
Sources and Citations
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