Edit the Contents of a .Jar File on a Mac
Have you ever had a .jar file on your Mac that you want to edit? Edit the contents? Well this article is for you! I will show you how to edit the contents of a .Jar file on your Mac without any fancy applications!
- Open the .Jar file that you want to edit.
- Right click the file and click "Rename". Or just click it then hit the enter key. replace the .jar extension with a .zip extension.
- Double click the .zip file you made. Now open the folder and add all the files you need to put in your .jar.
- Delete the .zip file you made in the following step. Next right click the folder and click "Compress".
- Rename it. Now you have a .zip file identical to the one you made before. Just rename the file with a .jar extension.
- Now have fun with your edited jar!!
- If you want to be extra safe, copy the original .jar file before you start.
- When modding a Minecraft.jar, skip the compression step. You will have to find an archiver.