Edit the Contents of a .Jar File on a Mac

Have you ever had a .jar file on your Mac that you want to edit? Edit the contents? Well this article is for you! I will show you how to edit the contents of a .Jar file on your Mac without any fancy applications!


  1. Open the .Jar file that you want to edit.
  2. Right click the file and click "Rename". Or just click it then hit the enter key. replace the .jar extension with a .zip extension.
  3. Double click the .zip file you made. Now open the folder and add all the files you need to put in your .jar.
  4. Delete the .zip file you made in the following step. Next right click the folder and click "Compress".
  5. Rename it. Now you have a .zip file identical to the one you made before. Just rename the file with a .jar extension.
  6. Now have fun with your edited jar!!


  • If you want to be extra safe, copy the original .jar file before you start.


  • When modding a Minecraft.jar, skip the compression step. You will have to find an archiver.

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