Eliminate Screen Shake When Using Firefox Browser for Windows
Many users experience a vertical shake of the content on the browser window when navigating to a new page using Firefox in Windows. This annoying motion makes you a bit seasick as you surf the web. The culprit may lie in your Toolbars, and these instructions should help you isolate and eliminate it.
The first thing to try will be to add a bookmark to the toolbar.I have cleared this issue by trying the above tip
- Notice if your Firefox window shakes/jitters/bounces, try the following suggestions:
- If you have the Winamp toolbar, disable it under the Tools>Ad-Ons menu.
- Look to see your Bookmarks Toolbar is showing but it does not contain any bookmarks, add a bookmark to it or hide it (View -> Toolbars -> uncheck Bookmarks Toolbar).
- Remove the Bookmarks Toolbar Items (View -> Toolbars -> Customize -> drag the Bookmarks Toolbar Items back to the Customize Toolbar window -> click Done) if you put your Bookmarks Toolbar Items on a different toolbar (such as the File/Edit menubar) and have hidden the Bookmarks Toolbar itself. Replace the Bookmarks Toolbar Items to where you want it.
- Switch back to the default Firefox theme (Tools -> Themes -> Firefox (default) -> Use Theme) or try to see if there is a theme update that will fix the problem if you recently switched to a different Firefox theme.
- Try switching back to the default OS theme if you are using a non-standard OS theme, or another OS theme, whether it be Visual Style or WindowBlinds, etc. Contact the author as he/she may not be aware of the issue with Firefox, usually with Bookmarks Toolbar padding.
- Try the steps below if the above steps do not solve the shaking problem.
- Open a Firefox browser window and confirm that the content on the page shifts alternately up and down a few pixels as the page is loading.
- Open the view > toolbars menu.
- Select the first toolbar that has a check mark next to it. This will remove the checkmark and cause that toolbar to cease being displayed.
- Refresh your current page, or navigate to a new page, and look for browser shake. If the shake is eliminated, you have found the culprit.
- Repeat step 4 until all the toolbars have been deselected, or you have found the toolbar causing the shake.
- Return to the view > toolbars menu to ensure that all non-offending toolbars are turned back on.
- If you have the extension eQuake Alert installed, disable the option to shake the screen when a new earthquake is reported.
- Once you have found the culprit, you must decide whether to leave that toolbar off and suffer the loss of its functionality, or to leave it on if it is sufficiently important to suffer the browser shake.
- Consider contacting the author of the toolbar to inform them of the problem it causes.
- Check new plug-ins that you have installed.
Things You'll Need
- Firefox Browser
- Firefox