Emulate Eminem's Style
If you're a fan of the rap star Eminem, you may want to emulate his style. Eminem has a simple, toned down style of dress. With a few jackets and hats, you can easily dress like Eminem. Eminem also has a distinct attitude. Work on always speaking your mind and not worrying about what others think.
Choosing Your Clothing
- Pick a casual jacket or hoodie. Hoodies and jackets are a staple of Eminem's style. If you want to dress like Eminem, stop at a local mall or clothing store and pick up some jackets and hoodies.
- Eminem wore a lot of zip up jackets when he was popular. These jackets were generally in darker shades, and somewhat loose fitting. Go for a dark green, navy blue, black, or gray zip up jacket. Select one that looks a little baggy on you.
- Eminem also wore a lot of hoodies, also in dark shades. You can look for zip up jackets with a hood. You can also buy a hooded sweatshirt in a darker shade.
- Wear a leather jacket. Eminem wore a lot of leather jackets at the height of his popularity. If you want to look like Eminem, add a few leather jackets to your wardrobe.
- Eminem tended to wear loose leather jackets, so pick one that's lighter on you.
- Leather jackets can be expensive. You can look for decent synthetic leather. You can also go to a local thrift store and look for a leather jacket.
- Buy some cargo shorts. Eminem was known for wearing baggy cargo shorts on stage. When paired with a light jacket, hoodie, or leather jacket, you will really look like Eminem with some cargo shorts.
- Make sure to go for cargo shorts in a dark shade. Eminem was known for wearing darker clothing.
- Wear a plain white t-shirt under your clothes. This was generally Eminem's style. He was frequently seen sporting a simple white t-shirt under hoodies and jackets. Go for a simple white t-shirt each day as you're trying to emulate Eminem.
Adding Accessories and the Hairstyle
- Cut your hair like Eminem. Eminem is known to have a simple buzz cut hairstyle. This should be easy enough to maintain. You can go to a beauty salon and request a stylist give you a buzz cut.
- Eminem has been known to cut his own hair. If you feel comfortable, try giving yourself a buzz cut at home.
- Add an oversized watch. Eminem was famous for his large, clunky watches. Purchase a bigger watch and wear it around your wrist.
- Eminem wore a white faced watch at the Grammys one year. See if you can find a white faced watch.
- Eminem's watches were frequently diamond studded. A diamond studded watch can be pricey. However, you may be able to find a watch jeweled with fake diamonds.
- Select some baseball caps. Eminem wore a lot of baseball caps. Add a baseball cap to your outfit in order to look more like Eminem.
- Look for baseball caps with logos or emblems. A lot of Eminem's caps had logos on them.
- You do not have to stick strictly to dark colors here. Baseball caps with logos may have some brighter colors on them.
- Pick out a dark wool cap. Eminem was known for wearing a dark knitted cap, sometimes referred to as a beanie. You should be able to find a cap like this at any department, thrift, or clothing store. It's essential to an Eminem wardrobe.
- It's a good idea to opt for a black beanie cap. The wool cap Eminem wore was usually black.
- Wear a pendant necklace. A gold pendant can especially bring out Eminem's style. Eminem frequently wore a long chain with a pendant dangling on the end. You can pair this accessory with your oversized watch to solidify the Eminem look.
Cultivating the Right Personality
- Do not worry about what others think. Eminem's personality was marked by the fact he followed his own course. Try to be an individual and avoid obsessing over what other people think.
- Remember, a lot of your fear of judgment is in your head. People are taught to seek acceptance from the time they're very young. However, most people worry about themselves far more than they worry about you.
- You do not have control over what other people think of you. Also, you can never know for sure. Keep reminding yourself other people's opinions are not of your concern.
- Follow your passions. Eminem was also known to intensely follow his passions. If you want to be like Eminem, channel your energy into what's important to you.
- What matters to you personally? Do you want to be a writer? A singer? An actress? Pursue that dream with passion.
- This can also help you forget what others think. Do not focus on your insecurities. Instead, focus on your passions.
- Question what you are taught. Eminem was an independent thinker, so questioning authority should be part of your attitude. Do not take anything at face value. Investigate claims yourself.
- Adopt your own opinions on issues. When you hear something on the news, for example, do some research yourself before deciding how you feel.
- Learn to question what you are told. If someone tells you a behavior is "wrong," ask why. Try to figure out where societal stigmas came from, and when and where it's appropriate to rebel against the norm.
- Read comic books. There are a lot of references to comic books in Eminem's raps. If you want to act like Eminem, start reading comics. A shared interest with the rapper can help you take on his style.
- Eminem is a particularly big Marvel fan. You should stop by a local comic book store and pick up some Marvel comic books. You should also look into buying anthologies that explain the history and origins of characters.
- Watch interviews with Eminem. This will help you study his mannerisms so you can emulate him more.
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://theidleman.com/manual/advice/how-dress-like-eminem/
- http://www.stylebistro.com/lookbook/Eminem/HNWc3AIZr8o
- http://www.askmen.com/top_10/entertainment/top-5-lighter-sides-of-dark-personalities-eminem_4.html
- http://www.stylebistro.com/lookbook/Eminem/Zl-eQEYcR51
- ↑ http://careerassessmentsite.com/assessments/mbti/922-celebrity-personality-type-eminem/
- ↑ http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12627/4-steps-to-stop-worrying-about-what-other-people-think-of-you.html
- https://www.nde-ed.org/TeachingResources/ClassroomTips/Independent_Thinking.htm
- http://www.askmen.com/top_10/entertainment/top-5-lighter-sides-of-dark-personalities-eminem_2.html