Rap Like Eminem
Eminem is considered one of the best rappers in the short history of rap music. If you would like to rap like him, you'll need to practice, learn from his example and develop your own personalized style.
- Listen to Eminem's raps. If you want to get into the music industry then it's better to know what music you are getting yourself into, listen to rappers and concentrate on what speed they move at and what kind of beats they put into their music.
- Being aggressive is not the point in Rap, some people think they should start to swear and curse people, but you don’t have to be like that, Eminem swears, but you should be yourself, maybe you want to get at the same speed as him, but you won’t swear.
- Rapping does not always have to rhyme that is what most people forget, it is better to go at your own speed at your own time, take your time, there is no need to rush, practice and practice, go onto YouTube and type up a good rap song that you like, and practice the song.
- Entertain people, be funny and know how to wow a crowd, sometimes people do a concert but it ends up boring because they can not entertain people.
- Have an actual theme to what you are talking about, you don’t want to be talking about rainbows and then suddenly you are talking about how your brother passed away, come up with things that match.
Changing Your Voice
- You can use your unusual voice. You may rap lyrics with a manic voice. You can rap fast when you want to impress someone, or you can rap slowly to make people understand what you want to say. You may rap different kinds of rap like: uplifting, funny or depressing songs. You should try to change your tone of voice too. It depends on what kind of songs you are rapping. Eminem uses this method and that's why he is so popular.
Practicing Rhyming
- Rhyming style is very important. Eminem has his own style which is well-known all over the world. He often use syllabic raps like: His palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy. And not only one word raps like dog and fog.
Eminem uses metaphors and similes which you can't forget.
- If you want to test your rap out, record your voice and play it back.
- Try to hear other rappers rap. Learning different styles of rap will only work to your advantage, as you will gain more exposure and learn to develop your own rap style.
- To make flow better, play a rap song at slow playback speed, practice it. When you get yourself able to rap at that slow speed, increase it and repeat this again and again.
- Practice
- Make sure you have a good flow and a good sense of rhythm.
- If you run out of lyrics, just wing it and maybe you'll surprise yourself.
- Always try to get all the metaphors and similes.
- Listening to others is good, but be yourself! Don't use other people's lines phrases and sayings, that will just get you into a beef especially if you are really serious about rapping as a lifestyle.
- If you use wordplay, it will blow the crowd's mind.
- Use phrases that the rapper used. Like Eminem said "My only scheme was to be a rapper.
- Speed should not be your first priority instead you should practice on where to go slow and where not to as per the demand of the beats.
- Don’t say anything that isn't true. It is better if the words come from your heart.
- Don’t talk about people that you know and how you hate them. That person could become upset and unnecessarily create a bad situation or bad feelings
or a bad situation.
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