Enjoy Your Birthday

Everyone loves their birthday––it's a special day that is all to yourself. It's your day, so Happy Birthday!


In the lead-up to your birthday

  1. If you like planning, then plan how you'll spend the day at least a week ahead. Check that your friends and family are free for the day and make sure you choose things to do that can involve the people you'd like to spend time with.
  2. Get plenty of sleep. The day before your birthday, go to bed at a reasonable hour so that you can get the sleep needed to guarantee that you'll have lots of energy on your birthday.
  3. Treat yourself to an awesome birthday outfit. You want to feel special on your birthday. Either put together a great outfit from your existing clothes or go to the store and buy something special, just for you on your birthday.
  4. Decorate your own room if you'd like. If you're going to do this, decorate your room on the previous night. When you wake up the next day, you will feel great knowing it's your birthday as you see the decorated room.
    • A birthday might also be an ideal time to rearrange your room, to see in a new year at a new age.
  5. Plan an awesome party. Pick a theme for your party and get some helpers to put the party together. This might be your mom, your siblings or your friends.
    • If you want a theme party, you can have a chocolate party, a dance party, a superhero party or a movie party. Be creative; you can decorate and prepare for almost any theme you like.
    • One fun idea for your party is to buy mustaches and give them to everyone. Wear them, and take pictures. It's great fun!
    • You can give your guests goodie bags with candy and little special presents.
    • If you are holding a party, make sure you have lots of candy, food, and soda. You don't want to run out of these.

The birthday morning

  1. Remind your family that it's your birthday. You can choose not to remind anyone too; half the fun can be in seeing if everyone remembers. It's really up to you as to whether you prefer to leap out of bed shouting out that it's your birthday or to wait and see who will be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday.
  2. Have breakfast in bed. It is the best way to start the day and be sure to have what you love!
    • Some ideas for the perfect breakfast: Chocolate chip waffles, bacon, and doughnuts.
  3. Have the best birthday ever by starting out with a luxurious bath. Take a hot bath for 30 minutes to relax––ask that there be no distractions!

Celebrating your birthday

  1. Throw that awesome party you'd planned. It's the most fun if you have the part on the same day as your birthday, although this isn't essential. Get dressed up, wait for your friends to arrive and be prepared to have a whole bunch of fun.
    • Only do things you enjoy.
    • Don't let anyone bother you. It's your birthday and your party, so if there is any drama, either ignore the person or ask someone else to deal with it.
  2. Go out and have fun with your friends. Take your friends out for a coffee, or a juice if you are younger. Or, you can go to the cinema. Have a great time with people you love and care about.
    • If you're a girl, do something girly with your girlfriends. Go to the mall, go get your hair done, go fashion shopping together.
  3. Go out to lunch with your friends. Don't forget to tell the waitress that it's your birthday - they might have a special surprise dessert for you.
  4. Have dinner with your family. Go out to a fancy restaurant!
    • Make it a tradition. For example, on every birthday in your family, you could all celebrate at a fancy restaurant of your choice.
  5. Be thankful to be alive! Always smile and savor the day. Make sure to spend a lot of time with those old folks who made you.


  • Remember––relax, you're entitled to special treatment.
  • Don't be afraid to extend the celebration. If you truly wish, have a weekend (either before or after your special day) with doing stuff you love and just have fun with friends and family!


  • Always be grateful about your gifts, even if you hate them. Don't show your dissatisfaction, it is rude!
  • Don't be obnoxious about your birthday and act like a brat.
  • It's is better not to tell any bullies it's your birthday, or you'll probably end up getting an unpleasant present.

Things You'll Need

  • Birthday
  • Friends
  • Room
  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Money
  • Decorations

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