Experiment With Nail Polish Colors

Do you have a weird personality? Good! Now you can show it on your nails!


  1. Find as many colors as you want to put on your nails. You can choose bright colors, dark colors, or even colors that don't even match with each other!
  2. Pick a nail to put it on one hand. Make sure to use all the colors.
  3. Color the bottom of the nail of your index finger (on your left hand, for example), then put another color on the top. On the opposite hand, switch the colors (what was on top, put on the bottom). Do the same with your thumb, pinky, etc.
  4. Try coloring each nail with 2 or 3 colors. Just paint a stripe in each color.
  5. Try alternating colors. One finger pink, the next black, etc.


  • Bright colors are the best to use!
  • You won't get it right always on the first time, practice and keep trying.
  • Color the nails a color, then do the ring finger a different one. It will look really cool.
  • If your nails are too short to paint patterns on, use false nails.
  • Remember, false nails are hard to get off.
  • Make sure you are applying the nail paint only to your nails. If you get it on your skin, that is a waste of nail polish. However, this can be easily cleared off.
  • Try using nail stickers or gems.
  • Gather up all your polish and arrange them in a "rainbow" pattern. It'll look cute. Then take black and write a phrase, word, or name on them!

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