Extend the Life on Your Phone Battery

Are you worried about your phone's battery life? Follow these steps to extend its life.


  1. Figure out how much you use your phone for. If it's all day long, or if it's on from certain hours, figure out what these hours are.
  2. Determine when and how long it needs to be charged for. Charge it until you feel it is full, and only when battery life is below 25%~.
  3. Don't overcharge it. Leaving it charged all night is not always good while it may be convenient.
  4. Don't use battery draining features such as video and music too much. There are devices such as mp3 players and personal video players for that, because a phone was meant to be just a phone.
  5. Turn keypad lock on. You don't want to be accidentally triggering the buttons every once in a while.
  6. Keep a spare. If you are a heavy cell phone user, you might need to keep a spare battery handy. If you buy a new battery, be sure to buy from a reputable seller. Generic batteries can damage your phone and are dangerous if they leak battery acid.

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