Find IP Information

You can find information about your IP address and quite a bit more information by using your computer's Command Prompt or online IP identifiers.


  1. The simplest, easiest, and most often used search is the one installed on your computer. This method is Windows based. Go to the Start button on the lower left of your screen. It shows your IP, and many of the common settings that are present on your system.
  2. Click on Start, and then Accessories. Depending on your Windows version, this is where you will usually, find the Command Prompt. You can also bring this up from the "Run" feature by typing "Start", "Run", "cmd".
  3. Type "netstat -n" including the space. You will see a 4 column list of all your active connections and IP numbers.
  4. The Local Address field identifies a list of IP numbers that your ISP is using through your connection. The Foreign Address field shows the IP numbers of the sites or people to whom you are connected. In the image, two IP addresses are shown in the Foreign Address field indicating, in this case, two connections to Messenger accounts.
  5. There are online IP identifiers that can be used for the same purpose. You don't have to download anything, and they don't read anything out of your computer. When you access their website, they intercept a packet, a fragment of computer information, sent by your provider. Any time your computer is online, your provider sends bits of information to your computer that identifies your IP. It contains nothing personal. They will give you a lot of useful information.
    • Web IP Address shows IP, ISP, Organization, City (This is the city your ISP reports, but not always the city you live in), Region/State, Country, Country Code, Time Zone, Latitude, Longitude, Postal Code, Metro Code, Area Code, and a Map. This is the information your ISP reports. It may not be exact.
    • What's my ip address let you know your ip address and also let you copy your ip with one click on flash supported devices.
    • IP Donuts is more simple. It shows IP, Country Code, Country Name, Region Name, City, Postal Code, Latitude, Longitude, and a Map.
    • What Is My IP Address is another one that is helpful in that many software setups ask for your Proxy. If you have one, and don't know what it is, this resource will show what your Proxy is.


  • There are many other IP Identifiers online. Some are better than others. There may be some better than others. Like everything else, every tool has its job. Examine them, do your search, and use the one you like best.
  • Under win95/98 click "Start > Run > winipcfg."
  • This is only for Windows XP and Vista PCs. A link to one for Apple is included.
  • You can also find information about your IP by using What is My IP Address feature. This is the most common feature of all these sites.


  • When using an IP information site from a service that uses a web proxy (such as AOL), be aware that the reported IP may be that of the service's web proxy and not your actual IP. This can also happen when you aren't using a server, such as AOL, as your computer often tries to mask your IP address so that you can have more security.
  • Don't waste your money on Proxy checkers. Anyone who really needs to know your IP can get around them. They cost about $80, and only protect against the common internet search.
  • If you are behind a router your IP shown will be your private IP. To get your external search google for 'what is my ip'. Also you can check in Google by searching "What Is My Internet Protocol Address."
  • Do not download any software that claim to provide information about IP address. No reputable site will ask you to download anything.

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Sources and Citations

  • [1] - What Is My IP Address