Find Lost LEGO Instructions

LEGO® sets are among the most enjoyable toys on the market. The building instructions that come with each set represent a significant investment of time and talent on the part of the LEGO designers. If you have managed to loose your copy of this valuable resource, have no fear, there are backups available.


  1. Go to customer service: where they are available as free PDF download.
  2. Ring up the store where you bought the LEGO set. They sometime keep the instructions and they can give you a copy.
  3. Ask friends if they might have a copy to share.
  4. has a vast collection of original instructions available for free download.
  5. has many new, original instructions for sale.


  • They are now available for free from LEGO as PDF downloads,
  • Try not to lose them in the first place. Keep them in a safe place: a binder with clear plastic sleeve's that keeps them together, for example or scan them into your computer with a flatbed scanner.

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